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  • Before: Sep 5, 2010
  • Users: Ferox13
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  1. Ferox13

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Its not bad at all - more serious than True Blood...Worth the watch.. Rewatching this - Great show - saw the Robbie Carlyle one last night... Also watching: It combines the worst aspects of ROME and 300 but still i keep watching...
  2. Ferox13

    Zombie Girl: The Movie

    Fair play to her... Its no Deadgirl though...
  3. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Man - I love this...Jim VanBbber is the best thing that never happeded... Very average...
  4. Ferox13

    The Fightin', Fussin' and Mixed MArtial arts thread..

    In fairness, the guy Herschel Walker was a Muai Thai guy who was paid to show little of the Muai or the Thai :-) If you are new to this check highlight reels (on youtube) for Wanderlai Silva and Kazushi Sakuraba......Sak is the man..
  5. Ferox13

    Identity theft/fraud

    Am I the only one who wants to know what the ' little used alias' is?
  6. Ferox13

    steven seagal

    What recent Segal filsm are decent - I might grab a few for Ma Ferox..
  7. Ferox13

    The Fightin', Fussin' and Mixed MArtial arts thread..

    ANother sad day for me at UFC 110 (I cannot believe its that many) - Big Nog got KOed (again) by Cain Velasquez...It wasn't as bad as the Mir defeat but I gotta feel that all those wars that Nogueirahas had have really taken their toll...His granite chin seems to be gone (well he showed it a bit...
  8. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I didn't expect this to be nearly as good as the orignal cheese and gunfest - so we these lowere expectations I did enjoy...The boys are back in town (after a brief holiday in the Emerald Isle) - well at least one is as I supect Conor is now played by a stunt man wearing a Sean Patrick Flanery...
  9. Ferox13

    white dog

    Its a good movie but no where near as good as The Big Red one or Shock Corridor..
  10. Ferox13


    Yeah games were expensive for 1 floppy disk worth.. I actually didn't finish ZORK i got stuck trying to get into the narrow enterance in the mine (it wouldn't allow u carry a lamp thru).. I must look up the Solution....
  11. Ferox13


    I still have a guge fear of Grue to this day..
  12. Ferox13

    H.P.Lovecraft Literary Podcast

    Here's some Audio book and Dramatizations for ye illiterate out there :-) Heres The Shadow Over Innsmouth (by Atlanta Radio Theater Company) - its a great Dramatization of one of my fave stories... The Shadow Out Of Time (again a Dramatization of Lovecrafts probably most accomplished...
  13. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    King Boxer was a huge influence on the whole Kung Fu genre and helped spread to the USA... By the numbers but very entertaining Martial Arts/Action flick starring (well sort of) aging veterans of the genre JCVD (who looks to be wearing too much make up) and Dolph Lungren...After the intial...
  14. Ferox13

    H.P.Lovecraft Literary Podcast

    LOL - the Lovecast is just as good though.. I guess unspeakable minds dare not thing the same :-)
  15. Ferox13

    H.P.Lovecraft Literary Podcast

    I just discovered this - its a great threat for Lovecraft fans.. Basically, they cover 1 Lovecraft story in each episode and go into the details/background of it...They also give oul' HP a slagging for his racism and xenophobia... I re-reading the stories again and then I'm listening to the...
  16. Ferox13

    Head shop fire on Capel St

    As an earlier poster pointed out - i wouldn't be too happy having a flat above one of these places.
  17. Ferox13

    Head shop fire on Capel St

    I think it was called THE HAPPY HIPPY..
  18. Ferox13

    This is as addictive as hell

    Thats just ppl running video thru their cam software.
  19. Ferox13

    Buckfast vs Cheap Sherry?

    Damn - drunk 2 bottles of this last night: Girl friend said I started a 3rd bottle too.. Jesus - I 'm in bits.