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  • Before: Sep 5, 2010
  • Users: Ferox13
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  1. Ferox13

    Srpski Film(A Serbian Film) - Looks massively fucked up

    LOL@'The story of a semi-retired porn star drawn back into the business for the proverbial 'one last job'.' Looks like a 'rapey' version of Saw.
  2. Ferox13

    Boojum Mexican Burrito Bar

    Damn - met to go there yesterday but my mate was late so we just settled for pints...
  3. Ferox13

    Part Time Graphic Design / Desktop Publishing / Web Design courses?

    Not to be funny but why not teach yourself.. Do you need to learn the packages? or do you need to learn about actual design?
  4. Ferox13

    PC shutting down randomly

    Ok Event log looka clear.. WHere in the bios should I look - i found where u set the cut off temp already..... I'm getting a spare PS from an old PC later and if its compatatable I'll try that.. looking for a free cpu temperature monitor that logs to see if there is rising heat problems...
  5. Ferox13

    PC shutting down randomly

    Its pretty random - sometimes it boots in Windows and staying running for 20 mins - then sometimes it closes down before it fully boots in windows..
  6. Ferox13

    PC shutting down randomly

    How do i check event logs? I'll have a look in Peats/Maplins today for new fan and paste..
  7. Ferox13

    PC shutting down randomly

    Ok my GF has a PC running XP with a intel 2.66hz cpu and 2 gig ram.. The last few days the CPU fan has been pretty noisy and yesterday the PC just started to shut down without warning. My first quess was it was over heating and the cpu fan wasn't doing its job. So i took out the CPU fan/heat...
  8. Ferox13

    Boojum Mexican Burrito Bar

    Cool - are they bottle of Corona or draft stuff?? Might check this Friday..Is it take away or seated?
  9. Ferox13

    Breaking Bad - online? - SPOILERS

    Re: Breaking Bad - online? LOL@Hank beating up the UFC fighter :-)
  10. Ferox13

    Doctor Who

    It started off really bad - the comic relief with the food was got better as it went along..The story was very bog standard but the new doctor wasn't bad considering the converse he had fill..The new companion seems cool too...the teasers for the rst of the series with the daleks in...
  11. Ferox13

    Needed:PSU cooling fan

    The CPU fan is going in my GFs computer - its making a shite racket. I was thinking of chancing it by unplugging it and leaving the side off the PC..You think it will still overheat?
  12. Ferox13

    Vodafone pay as you go question?

    "IOU" top-up not working....
  13. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Not romeros''s last film any way (Survival of the Dead)
  14. Ferox13

    Giving up the MP3 Player

    Using shuffle when u have spoken word, podcasts or audio books on your mp3 player just doesn't work :-)
  15. Ferox13

    DVD bargains

    I like my Official DivX bootleg version :-) :
  16. Ferox13


    Kinda of a weird film...The trailer is pretty misleading too.. It was pretty violent and mean spirited too - not exactly the light hearted comedy that it intially appears..
  17. Ferox13

    Boojum Mexican Burrito Bar

    I knew ppl like it here so i pointed that out before it was mentioned...Only there a few times but the burrito was pretty lack lustre. It was a few years back so maybe its changed...
  18. Ferox13

    Boojum Mexican Burrito Bar

    Nice one - have to check this out.... Dublin is lacking a decent burrito place (not impressed with the one in the epicurean)
  19. Ferox13


    Going to see this tomorrow :-)
  20. Ferox13

    Any daycent cartoons

    What kids wouldn't love 'Bugs nips the nips' or 'Tokio Jokio' ? :-)