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  • Before: Sep 5, 2010
  • Users: Ferox13
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  1. Ferox13

    hp lovecraft: i am providence

    LOL... All singing, all dancing Shoggoths....
  2. Ferox13

    Srpski Film(A Serbian Film) - Looks massively fucked up

    WOw is all i can say... Give a new meaning to 'watch it you'll put some oneseye out with that..'
  3. Ferox13

    hp lovecraft: i am providence

    Its hard to tell and i don't think the 'payoff' makes good cinema..By its very nature Lovecrafts storys are hard to film..
  4. Ferox13

    SHERLOCK - (the new BBC Holmes series)

    I enjoyed the 2nd episode but it was much weaker than the first though... The fight at the beginning was a bit farcical and having 3 episodes and using such a slow build up to Moriarty is kinda strange. I presume the last episode will end with a cliff hanger with the appearance of the arch nemesis.
  5. Ferox13

    hp lovecraft: i am providence

    Looks like Guillermo del Toro is back onboard for AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS..YIPPEEE!! Prior to the start of Comic-Con and during the media swarm over his reboot of Disney’s The Haunted Mansion, Guillermo del Toro consistently told press that he would make an official announcement very soon...
  6. Ferox13

    The A Team.

    I'm bring my Mum to this tomorrow... She loves dumb action movies and 19th century bodice rippers. Some one need to combine these genres.
  7. Ferox13

    Srpski Film(A Serbian Film) - Looks massively fucked up

    was going to watch it last night but the GF wouldn't.. Might give it a spin today...looks like the perfect rainy bank holiday monday film...
  8. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Not a bad film but it totally focuses on Joan Jett and Cherie Currie (who both played their part really well). They kinda tone down what a prick their manager was too... Poor Lita Ford barely gets a line in. Cherry Bomb is still a fucking great song and it also reminded me why i loved Joan...
  9. Ferox13

    Torrents, a couple of questions

    Ok Theseus Mock that makes much more sense.. How good do u think it is?
  10. Ferox13

    Torrents, a couple of questions

    I really don't understand how things like works... People gte caught d/ling vis torrents from 'honeypot' uploads from the film distributor. You need to connect to th - how can it still do that aem to transfer the data how can it still do that and mask you IP addy?
  11. Ferox13

    Video capture devices

  12. Ferox13

    SHERLOCK - (the new BBC Holmes series)

    I like the Modern day adaptation - I really don't think it would compare to the near perfect Jeremy Brett one if they set it at the turn of the 19th/20th century
  13. Ferox13

    SHERLOCK - (the new BBC Holmes series)

    Give Tom BAker a pipe and Deerstalker and Hey Pesto: Sherlock Holmes :-)
  14. Ferox13

    Video capture devices

    I have a ton of stuff I need to rip (weird stuff from TV - VHS that never got released) - need to get around to it soon... A mate have mine has ripped some pretty rare shit then released via torrents.
  15. Ferox13

    Anyone collect anything? (apart from music)

    Crappy cult/horror films Monkey Related stuff (mostly presents) Job Seekers allowance
  16. Ferox13

    SHERLOCK - (the new BBC Holmes series)

    To be fair - I do feel that the later reincarnations of did draw alot of Brett's interpetation of Holmes. On a side note 2 former Doctor Who's did also play Sherlock Holmes :-)
  17. Ferox13

    SHERLOCK - (the new BBC Holmes series)

    I actually liked Sherlock Holmes (for what it was) - it was fun and I thought Jude Law made a good Watson. It was hard to deal with the romance with Adler and the bromance with Watson. Mark Strong was a great villian in too..
  18. Ferox13

    Clown Lifestyle Forum

    What is their attitude to clown rape:
  19. Ferox13

    SHERLOCK - (the new BBC Holmes series)

    Jaysus you are correct.... Martin Freeman is great as Watson (I loved Ian Hart in the role too). Jeremy Brett will always be the definitive Holmes for me but this is definally a great addition to the series of adaptations.... I'm interested to see how they deal with Holmes' drug addiction....
  20. Ferox13

    SHERLOCK - (the new BBC Holmes series)

    Anyone catch the new 21st century adaption of Sherlock Holmes made by the BBC and written by one of the Doctor Who guys. SPOILERS: I was incredibly impressed with the 1st episode (bu then again I'm a Holmes Junkie and only yesterday I was episodes of SH in the 22nd Century :-) Once you get...