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  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
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  1. La La

    "the arts hole of thumped"

    fucking hell, i only got that now. someone hand me a pointy hat with a D emblazoned on it please.
  2. La La


    im gonna go see it tonight. I think i remember my dad urging me to see it but other than that I have no idea what to expect. full report tomorrow.
  3. La La

    hamas employ mickey mouse lookalike to spread their message

    what it says on the tin. - an updated story says the show has been pulled off the air i think
  4. La La

    good resource for music recommendations

    as passed onto me by a friend. he reckons when he's 'in a rut' he checks out the site and very often the recommended new releases are pretty on the mark. check it out here: :)
  5. La La

    spencer tunick - cool or fool?

    -i only ask because his latest work in mexico jogged my memory of him. he has heaps of detractors - but i remember after watching the documentary (i think it was called naked world?) thinking that i actually like his work. obvious aside - he's a bit schmaltzy, travels the world and gets...
  6. La La

    tumpt's awful quiet t'day

    is it a bank holiday over in sunny eire or wha? it's blazing here too and i;ve been holed up in the office all day..........moo!
  7. La La

    holiday pics thread

    we all seem to do a bit of travelling, so let's use this thread solely for the pics we take when we're abroad and that. also, i just came back from oz and am dying to post a few! will be nice to see where people have been and the things they have seen :) SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 2007 anzac day was...
  8. La La

    why are there so many threads on thumped?

    goodnight. :) !zed !zed !zed !zed !zed !zed !zed !zed
  9. La La

    i have the MUMPS

    for fucks sake! obviously my MMR booster ran out. i look like sylvester stallone on one side of my face, ahahahahahahhahahahahha!!!! -the doc also stuck me FIVE times before he hit the vein (for a blood test) even though it was right there in front of him. so not only do i look like i've been...
  10. La La

    Tolkein's Children of Hurin

    who's gonna have a read of it then?
  11. La La

    a thread about the landlord

    im sure most people have seen it by now but if ever a youtube video deserved its own thread, this is it. that little girl is a legend! i've watched it about 20 times and it still has me in fits of giggles. "i'm tired of this crap" .|..|
  12. La La

    alan johnston is feared dead

    a group has come forward saying they are responsible for his death - i really fucking hope this is not true. BBC are kind of at their wits end.......
  13. La La

    mr fussy based on hitler?

    i was reading some mr men and little miss books to a young child i teach on the weekends when i happened upon Mr Fussy. don't you agree that he looks alot like hitler? what was roger hargreaves thinking???!
  14. La La

    unbelievable the pricks who decided this was the proper course of action when filling out these forms need to be suffocated by a mooncup. :mad:
  15. La La

    plugin bollixes

    why is it that firefox doesnt detect windows media player as a plugin? SO frustrating - it's the latest issue of it and everything. safari doesnt seem to detect it either. i mean it's right there, how hard can it be?>?????????
  16. La La

    what makes a good film score?

    having ennio morricone or thomas newman at the helm would help I think. personally I like strings, orchestral stuff, that kind of thing. we have had film score/soundtrack threads before but I thought it would be interesting to discuss what it is that people like about certain scores. some...
  17. La La

    i have decided

    i want gerard butler (dressed as a spartan) to sire my children. he and I will writhe about in bed all night and when the kiddies grow up they kick the fuck outta people into wells, and take on vast armies of persians. have any of you bitches seen 300? serioously. why dont guys dress...
  18. La La

    photo challenge #11: get down - on the ground

    seersly. ive tried it and it's fun. go out there people, get your camera out and get down!!! and see what results you get. i think you'll find they're pretty interesting. it's nice to see things from the perspective of mice!
  19. La La

    oh robert - why?

    whatever next? sonic youth collaborating with britney spears??? can anyone else think of a real or made-up weird collaboration? this could be fun.
  20. La La

    arty farty question

    hello photonerds, remember the way schindler's list is al b+w and yet the little girl has a red coat? i LOVE that effect. i once saw an Oak photo where some elements has been altered like that too. how can it be done? im guessing you need photoshop?