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  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
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  1. La La


    is this still on the IFI? and if not, who went to see it?
  2. La La

    Eyeball licking

    has ANYONE ever heard of/tried this? yocky!!!! i was asked a few months ago if i would partake in it as apparently it's nice for both parties. (i didn't). how the fuck can there be any enjoyment derived from it!!!???? i just googled it though and it seems there is a whole world of...
  3. La La

    christmas exhibition - thoughts pleez

    i've been thinking maybe it would be fun to have some thumped photography to colour the walls of wherever we end up having the christmas party. what think ye people? was thinking people could submit their fave pic they've taken or take one with a christmas theme (moose's idea) and then we...
  4. La La


    so by now most people have seen the trailer. i died laughing when i saw it the first time and that trailer-voice guy is talking all morbid about it and stuff and then the title just appears at the end........ SHROOMS. hahahahahahahaha. so who is going to see it then huh?
  5. La La

    attn natalie portman fans

    here she is talking about stuff. oh - and her fave comedy of the year was superbad. :)
  6. La La

    Photo Challenge: Less is More

    as suggested by magicbastarder. i think it's a good one imho. anything goes!
  7. La La

    cheap reliable mac compatible printer?

    herro everyone. tried connecting a dell printer to my iBook but lo and behold, they're not compatible with each other, ah well. anyway, i was wondering if anyone new of good cheap printers that are compatible with mac osx? i dont want to spend a fortune as it's really just for printing...
  8. La La

    they made a movie about vagina dentata!!???!??

    honestly, what will they think of next? it's called Teeth. !ironyyy
  9. La La

    into the wild

    i liked it. i thought emile hirsch did a good job at portraying a guy who clearly loved doling out advice and rarely taking it when he needed it the most. the soundtrack had its moments but it was a bit too much eddie vedder overload at times..
  10. La La

    that snake urban myth

    anyone heard it yet? friend of a friend has pet snake, feeds it a mouse every week or whatever, and SLEEPS with it in bed. normally it's coiled up, but lately it's starving itself and when she wake sup she sees it's taken to lying alongside her. she brings it to the vet and he tells her...
  11. La La

    the cake cafe

    just off camden st. only discovered it today!!! awesome valhrona hot chocolate, nice cupcake, friend's carrot cake was a bit disappointing though. anyone else been here? it's lovely to sit outside :)
  12. La La

    prisoners of teh lost universe appreciation thread

    i need to see this little gem again. reckon laser would have it? .|..|
  13. La La

    trailer for paris hilton's new weird opera movie it's so bad it's good. i can't stop watching. fast track to a golden raspberry, me thinks..................
  14. La La


    apparently in leonard's corner every thursday there's a karaoke competition where you can win A THOUSAND EURO!@!!!!!!!!!!! im totally gonna practice my pat benatar routine.
  15. La La

    wham bars and banshee bones

    where can I buy some??? they're my fave sweets/crisps in the werrild. it seems newsagents dont sell these wonderful products anymore.:confused: and while i'm at it, flying saucers? (not nearly as enjoyable as a wham bar, but wouldn't mind having one or two, like) thank yoo. x
  16. La La

    angry :(

    i got off the dart today in glenageary and there is a newsagents at the exit. i noticed the door had been kinda smashed so the shop had closed and shutter inside was pulled half way down. no bother, i thought to myself - the taytos can wait. there was a group of school kids (from i think St...
  17. La La

    anyone heard that bus driver ad on the radio?

    "starting pay from just under 600 euro a week" why are so many of them miserable pricks then?? i'm thinking of reconsidering my career
  18. La La

    has anyone ever been drinking here?

    what's it like?
  19. La La

    A Quiet Exit

    did anyone watch this on Monday night? i think it was on RTE1. documentary focusing on the elderly in ireland; loneliness, depression, and sometimes suicide. im such a wuss, i cried through most of it. the long lingering close-up shots of an old pair of hands and the lonely stares out the...
  20. La La

    the moving countries thread

    i want to tear my hair out, stab my face with a fork and cry. it's a fucking nightmare. im having to leave behind heaps of books and dvds and other things i love but know i cant bring back because the cost of shipping what I already am is monumental and my bags wont fit anymore. :mad...