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  • Before: Mar 3, 2015
  • Users: HMD
  • Order by date
  1. HMD

    Meeting People

  2. HMD


    i just signed up. It's much nicer interface than 'ello
  3. HMD

    Minor Pleasures

    What is it? He has some doozies
  4. HMD


    yeah, but you can say fuck all on boards. where as here there's fuck all people saying anything.
  5. HMD

    Minor Pleasures

  6. HMD

    Minor Pleasures

    Yeah, I've got shooting guns on my headphones.
  7. HMD

    Minor Pleasures

    She's off having the lols at a panto with my family and our son.
  8. HMD


    Eirecore is the forum equivalent of a regional gaa team. Most of it's members fucked off when things got tough.
  9. HMD

    Minor Pleasures

    Afternoon pint on my own.
  10. HMD

    Spotify...its grand and all

    Kids, they wreck your musical street cred. Not that i ever had one.
  11. HMD

    90s night

    Was Gary doing Pincher Martin songs?
  12. HMD

    90s night

    Who played?
  13. HMD

    Comprehensive list of crap that's broken / missing.

    It's working again now. Thanks, now I can browse on the jacks again
  14. HMD

    Comprehensive list of crap that's broken / missing.

    @pete i'm getting an xml error in tapatalk. It won't pull in the feed, any ideas what to do? It only happens with thumped
  15. HMD

    animated gif thread

    Can you explain?
  16. HMD

    Bored In Work 653

    Corn starch flame thrower
  17. HMD


    do you have an invite?
  18. HMD

    Enter the world of Yosemite

    Give it a while, you'll love it. Being able to send texts and answer calls is great. Not sure about your iTunes question though.
  19. HMD

    Christmas, god help us

    Bruxells is usually open
  20. HMD

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I liked it. The main character is a complete dick so I enjoyed watching him suffer There's going to be another two movies in the series