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  • Before: Aug 14, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    (Happy Birthday) Bored in Work 53

    A young schizophrenic named Struther, When told of the death of his brother, Said: "Yes, it's too bad, But I can't feel too sad -- After all, I still have each other." oh, and one other thing that I can't say enough Harry Potter is for kids. Harry Potter is for kids. Harry...
  2. rumpus

    Zorak, you're bringing me down man!

    phew, It really hurts when someone makes fun... andy, YOU'RE BRINGIN' ME DOWN MAN!
  3. rumpus

    Zorak, you're bringing me down man! Find the 'space ghost' video interview (Quicktime) Maltar, psst, hey Maltar You're bringing me down man! Then get back to work.
  4. rumpus

    Slow River School

    Tom Dumb read this out on his show last night (yes I have no TV). "..also tomorrow, at Whelans." feckin gawbeen
  5. rumpus

    Settler, steerage, Mumblin' Deaf Ro

  6. rumpus

    log out!

    when they say they have you they may really have you! nothing you can do or say you've got to leave, just get away we all know the song weeew weew weeew love on the rocks aint no big suprise pour me a drink and I'll tell you some lies ... (I watched Neil...
  7. rumpus

    R O B O T A T T A C K S!!! :d

    '..because the're made of metal...and they're strong.' ha ha a a hhh ha hoooooo!
  8. rumpus

    What a day!

    This is sooo weird... ME TOO! oh happy days!
  9. rumpus

    R O B O T A T T A C K S!!! :d

    heh heh heh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hoo hoo ha ha haaaaaaa!
  10. rumpus

    Tetris Schmetris...

    know the stoopidest thing? I was moving those blocks about like ham bone for, like, 5 minutes before I even saw the point of it. That's how much thought goes into things you find on the internet - moving blocks around waiting for something to happen... :rolleyes:
  11. rumpus

    Slow River School

    right on roxy me missus will have your guts for garters wilburt
  12. rumpus

    Last night I dreamt ...

    which came first, the pantone or the egg
  13. rumpus

    Best Picture Ever

    Best friends!!! :) :)
  14. rumpus

    Last night I dreamt ...

    I've always thought stoat should write a musical. Now you have your title!
  15. rumpus

    Best Picture Ever

    eeeeasy there, pantaloon, I know he's happy, you're right....but I can't help thinking he spends most of his time sat sideways in chairs, his head darting this way and that like a bird....terrified of what his confusing world will throw at him next.... I see him smoking a cigarette on the...
  16. rumpus

    Best Picture Ever

    I dont know pantene pro V, this pic makes me feel really really sad. I just keep thinking of how afraid that guy must be all the time. :( :( me prefer this one
  17. rumpus

    whats on yer desktop wallpaper?

    this is me work one ...and at home its me bands album cover (sheesh what an ego) my affinity for brown has become pathological.
  18. rumpus

    BLONDIE vs. BOWIE HOOT NIGHT ~ June 6th!!!

    I can't decide what 'klimt velure?' hates more, music or himself. So bitter. My fave of the night = astronauts. Not just saying that for you mr meta.
  19. rumpus

    To dream the impossible dream

    THWAK! GOINK!! 'aahh Noo mr rumpus noooooo!' 'SHAAAAT AAP!' SPLINT!! TRICK!! BLOSH! Aaaaaaaaaaaand were out.
  20. rumpus

    To dream the impossible dream

    scratch that. Kill everyone (including yourself) except me and I'll pay you later. nah buh seeliously, a big steal bar....It's tha' asey bud.