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  • Before: Aug 14, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    RANDOM Tower Instore

    what lovely images there on the site happy summer birds
  2. rumpus

    Which Serial Killer Are You?

    oh no I'm sorry just popped in there... - what did you think of rumpus? - I tried to think - what did you think of rumpus?! - I remember when I was young.. - ahhhh ! - It can't be! - it is - It can't be!!! - It's a giant Arnold form different stokes...
  3. rumpus

    Adrian Crowley, Wicker & Settler

    The Saturday settler jig will be more accoustified then eletricified. Can't wait.
  4. rumpus

    Ballroom of Romance#18 18th July 2003

    NIB - rocktastic Give Amanda a kick - much better than I thought, really great to watch. Dickie and the cosmonauts - superb performance and great songs, serious sound problems though. Obscene elite - very tight and interesting changes in the songs. me had a greash aul nyesh...
  5. rumpus

    Ballroom of Romance#18 18th July 2003

    :eek: Jeepers that's good value - bring a lorra copies its bound to sell out.
  6. rumpus

    David Grubbs

    I guess this is what turned me off. Way off. I would like to hear more recordings. Oh, and Jim is god.
  7. rumpus

    David Grubbs

    Dave Grubbs has nothing on J'OR. Nothing.* I saw him in Whelan’s last year. Jesus. And I never saw a guy so satisfied with himself. * not opinion but fact. Provable on any home computer. Provable on an etch-a-sketch.
  8. rumpus

    metalica madness.

    This is from the onion right? Tell me it's from the onion!
  9. rumpus

    the irish shooby taylor

    ...for the things cd. eckshellent.
  10. rumpus

    What song are you humming in your head right now?

    that 'mystery' song by flamin lips saw the vidjo on their website...very happy.
  11. rumpus

    YAKUZA, STEERAGE, OMELETTE 12/07 music room

    thanks Ian, you didn't miss too much...only black forest cake & me dancing like Justin Trousersnake yehaw!
  12. rumpus

    YAKUZA, STEERAGE, OMELETTE 12/07 music room

    thanx you guys for coming to me shin dig. It was a night to remember. (pity, that) Wish I could have stayed longer in that loverly house for pizza. me stilll soooo tired. god I'm old.
  13. rumpus

    Happy Birthday Pete!!!

    huzzah, enjoy 3,925 posts 36 years 109 per year not bad
  14. rumpus

    tired eyes?

    use your ears: some good things here
  15. rumpus

    Settler, steerage, Mumblin' Deaf Ro

    sorry did you say something to me? oh, yeah, the gig. ;)
  16. rumpus

    (Happy Birthday) Bored in Work 53

    Touché *little sword fight with index fingers* My dear boy do you ask a fish how it swims? a bird how it flys? no siree you don't! they do it because they were born to do it, just like willy wonka was born to be a candy man and YOU were born to be a wonkerer. ah jaysus
  17. rumpus


    wow, so it is billy's company! cause he wrecks me head, like.
  18. rumpus

    (Happy Birthday) Bored in Work 53

    hee hee you are sooo busted wil!
  19. rumpus

    Think! Release Their New Single

    Depends which loop you mean. You're right tho, some travel on a road, some hike, some build there own bypasses.... ...what the zombie jesus am I talking about? too early for me.....