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  1. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    not all of them. in fact, just you really.
  2. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    wtf? i cant believe the mods actually deleted my post saying that thumped is great. did you think i was being sarcastic? is your self esteem that low? i meant what i said, i think its a really good forum.except when you delete posts.
  3. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    ha ha ha ha haha. oh, my sides are splitting. anyway, all this gay banter is detracting from the original question: where the fuck is that bastard vinnie???
  4. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    im not actually in a band. this is strictly research.
  5. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    methinks you try to mock the great mijuboy for there is no such band on cpu.
  6. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    Re: thumped is great! nothing gets past you does it.
  7. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    really? and what band would this be?
  8. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    Re: thumped is great! its me jew boy. also miju is russian for man. a little play on words , as you might expect.
  9. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    hmm, interesting. please divulge further.
  10. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    thread killer. its ok i'll start a new one.
  11. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    thumped is great! yay! unlike clique sites such as eyebrowy and this site site is very welcoming and great fun. iv'e decided to move in.
  12. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    when did they say that? are you aware of something that i'm not?(what am i saying)
  13. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    theres always one isn't there. and whats your name little fellow?
  14. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    ok. i dont really have a problem with them, despite what you may think. do you?
  15. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    fuck what guys?
  16. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    now that would be telling. all will be revealed in good time
  17. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    i have no jokes for you fine ladies of thumped today im afraid, im in a somewhat more serious mood. it would appear that the folks at have deleted my bands songs from their site, doubtless because of the hard rogering i gave them on this very forum. oh well. nice to see so many of you...
  18. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    Re: where is vinnie this finer morning? only joking buddy
  19. M

    where is vinnie this fine morning?

    anybody seen him? if you do tell him i said 'hello vinnie you old bastard'
  20. M

    what is wrong with irish music?

    needs a lot of work. a LOT of work. stick to embroidery sweety.