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  • Before: Mar 2, 2006
  • Users: Jim Daniels
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Jim Daniels

    passport madness

    This country is stupid.... About ten weeks ago I applied to renew my passport. Completed the form, attached the photos, asked Mr Garda to stamp it, atached a cheque for €57 quid and sent the whole lot off to beautiful Molesworth Street. Hassle but fair enough. Five weeks later I gave them...
  2. Jim Daniels

    Richer Sounds

    Anybody know where can you buy cheap blank Mini Discs now that good ol Richer Sounds has closed down. Tower, HMV etc charge over €20 for ten of them..!
  3. Jim Daniels

    Story of the Blues

    I was in Spar at lunchtime and they were playing this on the shop radio. I remember really liking it when it was out. Capital 96fm (Dublin pirate from 80s) used to play it and it sort of got me into music. I totally recognise the voice but I just can't think who it is. Thats the Story of...
  4. Jim Daniels

    French Music

    Hello! I am trying to learn French again and have to listen to these dead boring spoken word tapes. Anybody know any good French singers/ bands that I could listen to instead. I bought Francois Hardy's greatest hits last week and am pleasantly surprised! Also any good French films. I'd...
  5. Jim Daniels

    Amazing Books

    Hello, I've recently given up on the drug of the nation and have been reading a lot instead. Authors I like include Paul Auster, Douglas Coupland, Haruki Murakami. I just finished Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones which was heartbreaking but truly beautiful too. Any recommendations for...
  6. Jim Daniels

    Egg Woos John Kelly

    Hello Egg I heard John Kelly play your piano tune (I wrote this to Woo You) last Friday. Thought that was pretty cool....! Wonder if he's heard Stoat..
  7. Jim Daniels

    Warlords of Pez

    Anybody hear the Fanning session last night? Twas great stuff. Dave himself seemed well impressed and had a good old laugh. Whats the chances of anything being released soon? Did Jay Ahern play the 18 second song. I tried to stay awake but instead fell asleep and dreamt about Tanya Donnelly...
  8. Jim Daniels


    Anybody there last night? Shortest gig ever... What he played was great but I think the Olympia gave him the creeps and he didn't hang around too long. All over by 10.30!
  9. Jim Daniels

    The Blues

    We were talkin song titles in the pub the other night and I was trying to remember one played on Xfm a year or so ago. Something like ..."My fridge is broken and my cheese has the blues" ...but not quite. I remember being highly amused when I heard it (probably Dudleys show). Its no biggie I...
  10. Jim Daniels

    Whistling Song

    This is a ridiculous long shot but I've done Google things and had no luck. Around 1996/ 1997 there was a song played on Xfm (John Peel too) It was a mid paced, acoustic strummy/ lo fi/ alt country sounding. It had a live creeky feel to it and the singer (American male like Beck) whistled the...