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  • Before: Mar 2, 2006
  • Users: Jim Daniels
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Jim Daniels

    Shoes and laces

    Just bought my first ever pair of slip on shoes. I keep bending down to tie the laces that aren't there. Is this something you get used to? Or should I have gone down a size, cause they feel a bit loose? Apologies if this makes me sound like a complete spoon....
  2. Jim Daniels

    Google Earth

    Pretty cool If you would like to zoom in on your street from outer space. I think you need a pretty nifty computer though, which I sadly don't have.
  3. Jim Daniels

    Getting Old

    Never used to bother me. But these days with all me mates getting married and/ or having babies, not going out Every weekend, work colleagues not remembering the Jesus and Mary Chain or seeing Live Aid first time round, its beginning to get to me. What age does one officially/...
  4. Jim Daniels

    Aimee Mann

    Playing next Tuesday. Don't know whether to go or not. I like her a lot, but I just don't know. Damn!
  5. Jim Daniels


    Anybody know if Bus Eireann has a bus that stops in Carlingford (from Dublin). They have decided not to answer the phone today....
  6. Jim Daniels

    Modern Day Irish Authors

    Is there any worth reading? Written in English, by authors who are still alive. It shames me to say, the only novels that I've read, written by Irish authors, are the Butcher Boy and Star of the Sea. Both fantastic! There has to be more. Maybe the Irish section in Waterstones etc just...
  7. Jim Daniels

    Bob at Starbucks

    Good ol Bob :),11711,1517048,00.html Jamie Wilson in Washington Wednesday June 29, 2005 The Guardian His protest songs made him the figurehead of the anti-establishment movement that defined America during the 1960s. But yesterday Bob...
  8. Jim Daniels

    The Zombies

    The soundtrack to the Life Aquatic has a great little Zombies track called "The Way I Feel Inside". Anybody know if their other tunes are as good? Did they have many records even?
  9. Jim Daniels

    Singing Cherry ad

    The ad with the wee Asian girls, lots of screaming and the singing cherry :) Its bats! Whats it for, anybody know?
  10. Jim Daniels

    Spooner Oldham

    If I was in a band, I'd like my band mates to have cool names like Spooner Oldham Or Bootsy Collins :)
  11. Jim Daniels


    The Jimmy Webb song Performed by Sparklehorse What a song :) :)
  12. Jim Daniels

    Ultra Vivid Scene

    Whatever happened to these boys? I've had the Mercy Seat in my head all day for some reason
  13. Jim Daniels

    Book about Las Vegas scam

    This is a long shot. A friend of mine reckons I once told her about a book where the story revolved around these men using their mathematical skills to con casinos in Las Vegas out of piles of money. She really wants to find this book for some reason. Any idea what book I could have...
  14. Jim Daniels

    Almond Slices

    Mr Kiplings Almond Slices. Can't stop eating them. Two at a time cause they are twin-wrapped for freshness. Its been going on for months now. In the evenings with a nice cup of coffee. What else is good for afters...?
  15. Jim Daniels

    Things your parents told you as a kid

    My Dad told me he built Hawaii. I told my teacher and she said "he must be a great man, your Dad". Believed it until the age of about 8... Can't wait to have kids... :)
  16. Jim Daniels

    Go Blimps Go

    Watched The Halo Effect on telly the other night. Set in a Dublin chipper, staring Stephen Rea. Kind of depressing but not bad. The music was dead nice and was by somebody/ something called Go Blimps Go. Anybody know who they are/ what their story is?
  17. Jim Daniels

    Go! Team

    Well, did anybody see them in the Village on Saturday? The sound was a wee bit ropey but it was all very entertaining. At times it was like being at a Smash Hits Awards ceremony, with the MC having us all singing along (well, shouting yeah yeah yeah, a lot) and dancing. Good to see a band...
  18. Jim Daniels

    Worlds Healthiest Foods

    This site rocks..! Everything you'll ever need to know about food :)
  19. Jim Daniels

    Go! Team change to Village

    Go! Team will now be playing the Village instead of Whelans :( Boo on popular demand:(
  20. Jim Daniels

    Friends of Dean Martinez

    John Kelly played a track of theirs the other night and I was quite taken by it. :) I know about the Calexico connections but thats about it. Can anybody recommend anything?