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  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
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  1. La La

    Pearl's back!!!!!

    for those who loved The Landlord, feast your eyes on this. "i get off on this" hahahahahahaha she is my hero. She should be the next president of the usa.
  2. La La

    sigur ros - hlemmur soundtrack

    for those of you who care: this material has been only available on a limited basis until now, but it's all up on their myspace to have a listen to. actually for all i know it could have been up there a while. but anyway - have a listen. beats playing their previous four albums over and...
  3. La La

    photo challenge: reflections

    get to it people. mirrors, water, other material - whatever!
  4. La La


    has anyone heard/gotten their hands on the new album Tio Bitar? i'm DYING to hear it. wanna hear people's opinions too though. .|..|
  5. La La

    best opening/closing sequence

    funnily enough, my favourite opener and closer happen to be in the same movie - The Mission. which is probably my favourite movie of all time. why I like the opener cinematography-wise, the strength of this film lies on the back of the crucifixion scene at the beginning. the priest's...
  6. La La

    the one that makes you go "fuck yeah"

    ...a little sense of pride when you do. so - i would like you guys to post the photo you would consider your best/favourite work and why. :) *anyone who considers this thread up itself, bollock off! photos are for personal pleasure as well as the enjoyment that comes from showing them to...
  7. La La

    fucking hell is it break up season???

    my friend B just left her husband of 7 MONTHS after she discovered he cheated on her - she's moved out and trying to start over.....(they had the most beautiful wedding :( ) they'd been togetehr for about 6 years before getting married late last year. he always seemed mad about her and she...
  8. La La

    Ocean's 13

    the Ocean's movies were finally redeemed with this one cos let's face it - ocean's 12 sucked bollocks. same old schtick - trying to fuck over [al pacino's] casino. it is what it is, but i enjoyed it. ellen barkin has plastic surgery face. good soundtrack.
  9. La La

    the ryanair rant thread

    i havent even done the trip yet and yet i know it's gonna frustrate the hell outta me. im using them for the last leg of my journey back to live in dublin again and instead of feeling elation and excitement when i got the confirmation email - i got a feeling of dread. because they are such...
  10. La La

    online radio recommendations

    can anyone recommend any good live streaming (preferably music) stations? sometimes i get bored listening to my iPod in work :)
  11. La La

    Light a candle

    if you want - in remembrance of the victims of the bloody crackdown in Tiananmen. I'm going to the vigil tonight so like last year, I will try and post some pics of it tomorrow. :)
  12. La La

    Archived Photo Challenges

    ...snow series statues tattoos christmas food fire gigs pets night reflections photo colour domino less is more bokeh/shallow DOF *please note that the people and festivals challenges were merged into the random photos thread last year and are as yet unretrievable as actual links -...
  13. La La

    the angelus

    so bad it's good this is my personal fave
  14. La La

    Big Brother 8

    i wont be watching. well - maybe a few episodes on youtube. all girls in the house but one boy expected to join. let the bitching/moaning commence
  15. La La

    Rome Season 2

    am only on episode 4 cos im watching it online but it's just as good as season 1 so far! im not the best with roman history so it's still gripping in the sense that im not always sure who is going to die, etc. hope they make a third season after this one is done!
  16. La La

    why does that have a wikipedia page?

    i've thought of a new game. if you see something really obscure/odd on wikipedia and you think to yourself - why the fug is THAT on there? who is bored enough to write out that shit? then post it here. I dont have a wikipedia page - but Road Signs in the Republic of Ireland do.
  17. La La

    Efterklang appreciation thread

    i only came across their stuff recently but they've got me hook, line and sinker. WHY didn't I come across Tripper sooner??! And the Under Giant Trees EP - hard to find the words to describe how good those sounds are. One band I definitely want to see live at some point. .|..|
  18. La La

    ladies - pill without period, yes or no?

    it's not on the shelves yet, but just got approval over in the states. no 7 day break stuff here - you just don't bleed when you take this thing. which in theory sounds like a dream - but so so so unnatural that it would kinda freak me out. it could also put the beloved mooncup out of business...
  19. La La


    ever had one drawn of yourself? what did the artist hone in on? my nose was given extra special attention (prick) and my dimples too.
  20. La La

    Photography Competitions

    anyone ever done one? if you're interested (and I've never heard of this one before but they accept non-professional work) then follow this link. Deadline is May 31. any other comps that may be of interest to thumped people, pls post them here. taaaaaaaaa. x