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  1. falsemonkey

    (R)OAS, Christ Punchers, 20BE - Boom Room 17 Jan

    Get one of these bad boys:
  2. falsemonkey

    (R)OAS, Christ Punchers, 20BE - Boom Room 17 Jan

    (R)evolution of a sun Les Christ Punchers 20BE Saturday 17th January 2009 Boom Boom Shake Shake the Room, 8PM €6 in.
  3. falsemonkey

    Bargains someone should buy.

    Fifty eight thousand eight hundred euro! Fuck me.
  4. falsemonkey

    First ever gig

    Neds Atomic Dustbin Reading Helix 1992
  5. falsemonkey

    municipal waste 5 december

    I thought this was a fucking great gig. Missed the first band, I thought Gama Bomb were real good. Iron Lung were real good, and the drummer was fucking amazing, but I wasn't really in the mood for them. Municipal Waste were great fun live, no beer bong though! :confused:
  6. falsemonkey

    (R)evolution of a Sun, Les Christ Punchers, 20BE

    Cheers for posting this gig. I fucked up the poster attachment. It should be:
  7. falsemonkey

    (R)evolution of a Sun, Les Christ Punchers, 20BE

    (R)evolution of a sun Les Christ Punchers 20BE Saturday 17th January 2009 Boom Boom Room, 8PM €6 in.
  8. falsemonkey

    This is a disgarce, please read and pass on!

    "The likely ethnicity of their audience" What the fuck is this supposed to mean. The pencil pusher that thought this one up is a fucking stupid twat.
  9. falsemonkey

    Droppin Bombs Photos?

    A special hard drive with all the other cock photos? I saw a whole load of Droppin bomb pics online somewhere recently. Got to rack me brains to think where I saw them........
  10. falsemonkey

    thomann speed or lack of therof..

    I ordered some Mic stands with them recently on a friday. They arrived on thursday the week after. 4 working days.
  11. falsemonkey

    ginger liberation front-where are ya?

    Ginger brits at that! Spawn of the devil himself.
  12. falsemonkey

    Ashdown 60w guitar amp

    The amp part of this just stopped working. There is power to it but no output. So I'm using the speakers as a 2 x 12 cab. If anyone one wants the electrics for free its yours. Its got valves and all kinds of technical looking shit inside it.
  13. falsemonkey

    Fancy practice amps

    For practicing at home? Vox VT15 I used a 50w version of this Vox amp before. Loads of different sounds and built in effects, had a knob that increased the beef through the pre amp tube. You'd need to check the specs on line etc, I'm not that technical when it comes to these things. All I...
  14. falsemonkey


    I know, I know. I liked some of the stuff with Chuck Mosley, and the odd tune after that but I just never got why people loved them so much.
  15. falsemonkey


    Well ok better that Fear Factory anyway. Also I've never been into Faith No More, they're ok. But more importantly thats a healthy list of music to check out. Listened to Assuck there at the weekend. Interesting. But I'll come back on here once I've had more time to listen to some of those...
  16. falsemonkey


    Is it because they are pointing a camea at you and saying "Cheese!"?
  17. falsemonkey


    Fair enough. I don't know much Grind past Napalm Death, and I had the Brujeria record about 10 years ago and loved it then and still like it now. If you could be so kind, give me some better stuff to check out.
  18. falsemonkey


    Anyone into these? I always thought this band was greater than the sum of its parts. Cound be doing a new album. Matando Gueros (something like that) is a great album by my rekoning. .|..|
  19. falsemonkey

    Sniffin Glue image?

    I used to have a t-shirt with that on it. Just thought it was a joke. Where does this image come from? Whats it all about?
  20. falsemonkey

    BNP member info online

    Can't argue with that.