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  1. São Paulo Punk

    Songs with great solos

    Machine Gun Etiquette is riddled with great solos. It was my first ever punk LP and I played it day and night. That record changed my life - got me out of school early - onto the beer full time, drinking in piss-smelling laneways. Ah, the power of guitar solos!
  2. São Paulo Punk

    Songs with great solos

  3. São Paulo Punk

    Halloween Costume Ideas?

    I've got my heart set on dressing up as Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys but cant find anywhere that sells those kind of ultra-powerful spectacles. Anyone got any ideas where I might find a pair? I've been trying hardware shops and pharmacies but no joy yet. The ones in the joke shop are too...
  4. São Paulo Punk

    DOOM101 Cork October Weekend 23rd-24th

  5. São Paulo Punk

    Sufjan Stevens - The BQE

  6. São Paulo Punk

    Sufjan Stevens - The BQE

    Laois or West Meath probably wouldn't be amazing albums alone I guess. 'Moate' as the basis of a song wouldn't really get me going...
  7. São Paulo Punk


    Re: 23 Oct 2009: ADEBISI SHANK / JOGGING / FIND A WAY 1st Gig @ EXCHANGE DUBLIN -All Who's this band Jogging? Have they played much gigs?
  8. São Paulo Punk

    Sufjan Stevens - The BQE

    I still haven't managed to get into any of the others as much as I got into Illinois. It is one of the (musically) biggest contemporary albums I've ever heard. he was on a total role with that one. No wonder he thought that he was going to write one for each state. But if he was Irish, do you...
  9. São Paulo Punk

    Obama gets nobel peace prize

    True that. Acknowledging the US and A for its new trajectory and encouraging the US and A to keep it up. Like a "very good worker" sticker in primary school. "Barak does great work, always comes in with a smile on his face and is very cooperative with the other despots in his class".
  10. São Paulo Punk

    Obama gets nobel peace prize

    Fuck, I wish I could win an award for my future plans, or at least a degree for that thesis I plan to write in the future. Although, I did decide many years ago that staying on the dole throughout most of my 20s could act as a kind of pre-tirement prior to working for 20-30 odd years and then...
  11. São Paulo Punk

    Fireball over Phibsboro tonite

    Phibsburgh is a strange place. A few days before this I saw your man off of GMAK standing beside a giant egg outside of Tescos on Phibsboro Road. Then last night I found out that there was a PS3 inside it! What next?
  12. São Paulo Punk

    Fireball over Phibsboro tonite

    Looks like that could be it alright. I got a text from a friend whose brother saw the same thing in Phibsboro last night - "fireball kinda with an extra one underneath it...", and that he'd seen it the Friday before as well. UFO file - case closed.
  13. São Paulo Punk

    Fireball over Phibsboro tonite

    Cant find anything on this anywhere.
  14. São Paulo Punk

    Free-to-view Journal of Music content

    Picked this up in Easons last week for the first time. It's pretty good, even if you dont understand the music theory stuff (which i really dont). There's a great article on commissioned orchestral music, or something like that, criticised from a Marxist perspective, which may at first glance...
  15. São Paulo Punk

    Fireball over Phibsboro tonite

    Fo shiz. It was mad, defo wasn't a plane. My girlfriend saw it coming in from the shops and said it looked like it had trails. Then we all legged it out the back garden and watched it pass over. It was pretty far away by then though.
  16. São Paulo Punk

    Fireball over Phibsboro tonite

    Passed over around 8.30pm. Anyone else see it?
  17. São Paulo Punk

    Stephen gately dead.

    Some Indonesian girl on myspace: "why u must died at young age " Poor lad all the same... what's with people dropping dead in their mid thirties? Scary.
  18. São Paulo Punk

    Stephen gately dead.

    Was checking out the latest jokes on sickipedia, not much good but came across these gems.... Genuine comments from BBC's Have Your Say page on Stephen Gately: ham "... has dies" Brilliant!
  19. São Paulo Punk

    Has anybody seen my Gazzy?

    Glad to hear yourself and Tomarse are alive and well!
  20. São Paulo Punk

    New Irish Releases 2009

    Folk played on flamenco guitar - 5 track cdr demo, (tunes are are up here on ) which can be obtained from me at gigs or through private message here (or there) for e2.50.