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  • Before: Mar 1, 2007
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    Pro-Choice Workshop

    daft daft daft. janer don't back down now, you haven't insulted rape victims yet!
  2. R

    Sociable Cooking

    the legacy of eoin whitfield... i ate them everyday for months. he's also the first person i seen him mix pesto with mayo. slobberfest.
  3. R

    thread to talk about nice stuff thats happened this week

    grey tights make your legs look amazing. true fact.
  4. R

    falafel places

    Nooooooooooooooooooooo, me and eddie were talking about how SHIT they were the other day. They're minging and tasteless. they must be baked or something growse to make them healthy. thats the first place i ever got falafel from and I thought for ages that i hated it. will admit tho that blazing...
  5. R

    thread to talk about nice stuff thats happened this week

    parent teacher meeting today which i know went well cos its my first year in a new school, i was charming and didn't say much all year. didn't really make any new friends but everyones pleasant, which is such a change. just joined some of my bestest friends ever band there on sunday and am...
  6. R

    Joanna Newsom - Olympia - April 14

    when do tickets go on sale?
  7. R

    Captain Planet in Belfast

    "the bomb didn't touch the catholic area" yes! a sign from god.
  8. R

    biys and their trying to get a blow job routine

    swordfight... with yourself?
  9. R

    biys and their trying to get a blow job routine

    what about people who act all over the top passionate then they look at the gal/goi with really doleful eyes and slightly stutter the request as though going down on them is tantamount to saving a puppy from an evil man. don't be a sucker.
  10. R

    What's your chipper fare?

    I hate when your so drunk and monged you forget how to chew and throw up gloriously big chunks of chips.
  11. R

    People wearing PLO scarves - why don't you all just fuck off

    I think crusty ones look ok as long as they're not a generic colour (i.e. blue and white)
  12. R

    Comic Books

    thanks very much! maus is amazing, i got the fuzzie wuzzies reading it.
  13. R

    Comic Books

    can anyone recommend me something along the same lines as it? Not really into the superhero malark... This book had me hooked from beginning to end. Love it.
  14. R

    The Twin Peaks Thread

    the chinese widow is soooooo nice to look at and listen to.
  15. R

    Porco Dio 80s Nite

    ah god! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! actual laughing out loud here
  16. R

    Knife at a gunfight attack :The intro: captured on film!

    obsessed with dunchee much??
  17. R

    The Twin Peaks Thread

    jillorxz lent me this. i didn't realise how much i'd gotten into it till the end of the season. now every part of my body is itching to see season 2. that fucked up teen slag is really pretty.
  18. R

    playing the game in starbucks.

    is there anywhere you can get a non dairy mocha? damn i sound like a right yuppie but i love chocolate coffee...
  19. R

    Black Pepper on Strawberries

    marks and sparks brie, rocket and grape sammiches...mmmm
  20. R

    How long you been fending for yourself?

    damn you eddie hobbs for saying "twenty four and out the door", i haven't stopped having that quoted at me. after years of hating where we lived i've finally grown to love it and i don't wanna move out. 40 minutes away from town pleeeeease don't kick me ouuuuuut. and at the rate of erosion...