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  1. micro_chainsaw

    spoons go a travelling.

    wankfest you must be a terrible person...because theyre actually one of the best live bands around today. i hate to say it-ronan-(cos i dont want any bandwagon fucks going to the gig) but 90 percent of their songs are as good/better than greet death.- oh yeah...
  2. micro_chainsaw

    spoons go a travelling.

    is that gig in limerick CONFIRMED cos im goin to see explosions in the sky....and theyre unorganised cunts and it sez on their site that all dates are dodgey also, whats costellos like? also-whelans is free for the 13th so they (explosions) couldve played there... anyway....
  3. micro_chainsaw

    Is This True?!!

    the tabloids are claiming that bush planted the ryanair hijackers to scare people into supporting his war against iraq in other news: THIS HERE IS WHERE I GAVE MACAULEY CULKIN A HANDJOB
  4. micro_chainsaw

    what do all yee fuckers actually work at?

    Re: Re: what do all yee fuckers actually work at? well, you see, i rode your mudder and she wouldnt pay me so i came in her face and she slapped me in the face. after which i cracked hr 'er dee ead' with a steel dildo. then she paid me but in fucking lira.. so what is wrong...
  5. micro_chainsaw

    i murdered a goth-does that make me a saint?

    i erd on the news that killing goths is legal in estonia....that theyre the equivalent oif rats over here.... also, another question-if a priest has a baby with a girl, is the baby automatically a priest...? ........he'd sure be powerful i am captain of the carlow...
  6. micro_chainsaw

    what do all yee fuckers actually work at?

    im guessing ye all do office/bank boring shit for €17000 per annum im a doctor a doctor of ass a doctor of ure mudders ass enlighten me fuckballs
  7. micro_chainsaw

    Crash Mag!

    jeez bies!!! what abute the commodore 64 128D games such as: THE FIFTH AXIS, THE LAST NINJA AND GHOSTBUSTERS. re-load, every time you die...classic.
  8. micro_chainsaw

    has anyone got a spare penis for sale/rent?

    im starting college in september and i need thinkin of stapeling it to my upper back for those of you 'culchie pints niteclub' rejectos who think i want it cos of 'all the action i think im going to get-' im afraid you are wholly mistaken. i want it so i can nurture it...
  9. micro_chainsaw

    Roy Keane=sadaam Hussein

  10. micro_chainsaw

    did you hear the rumour that im cool?

    i heard i was cool...heard everyone loves me i fucking hate all you sad cunts hello eleven fuck your tits : ass-boy puck-fare come on down boys locked floor thefence pints smokes puke "he said 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' so i said 'FUCK OFF'."
  11. micro_chainsaw

    coldplay wanked me; wanked me good

    tis true yee putrid fuck-balls ass-poo
  12. micro_chainsaw

    rumah sakit=redneck manifesto

    temporary residence residents san frans 'rumah sakit' sound threatningly similar to our very own instrumental cock-jockeys the redneck manifesto. but who started it? someone copied someone... also...if those corpo cunts can get US gigs, then either bill clinton is back, or bill clinton is...
  13. micro_chainsaw

    STEREOPHONICS for Whelans

    kelly jones is a ride
  14. micro_chainsaw

    explosions in the sky

    they are ag sugradh here in sep/oct avec a bit de luck/adh.. does anyone elses altec lansing speakers look like a face?
  15. micro_chainsaw

    need help

    ok heres the ska-i have a boss br8 home recording thing i have recorded shit on it-it takes zip disks- i have transferred them to my computer and converted them to wav files (thats all you can convert them to) each wav file corresponds to an instrument i have the .wav tracks on computer...
  16. micro_chainsaw

    need help

    ok heres the ska-i have a boss br8 home recording thing i have recorded shit on it-it takes zip disks- i have transferred them to my computer and converted them to wav files (thats all you can convert them to) each wav file corresponds to an instrument i have the .wav tracks on computer...
  17. micro_chainsaw

    MARADONA: "I AM SMELLY-OH YES"....IAN read this

    because ian... a few months ago i posted a witty if not silly thread and you simply replied--"lock this thread pete" ....bad person the link is made up-check what it sez in the status bar when you hover on it
  18. micro_chainsaw

    MARADONA: "I AM SMELLY-OH YES"....IAN read this

    TO READ THE FULL STORY CHECK OUT: THIS ah no-thats just bollox... it true/thru/through that damien duff can eat tortillas through his wonderful knees?...hopefully-ive a bet on that he'll use his gift to steal a few butter sandwiches out of the shop in know...the...
  19. micro_chainsaw

    listen carefully

    ok-its quite simple cocks take it up the ass assmasters=assmastas , where k>0 loadsa...
  20. micro_chainsaw

    best word in the language

    the best word in the english language is...... <B>small</B>