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  • Before: Feb 1, 2022
  • Users: taubstumm
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  1. T

    mtv-grunge thread

    this poor lady got totally gazumped by alanis
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    mtv-grunge thread

    gary, those songs were not on mtv
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    mtv-grunge thread

  4. T


    the stupid report finally comes out, and over on the brexit thread we’re chatting about dishwashers i ❤️ thumped
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    some of the more pompous sensible-remainer types have now started adding ukrainian flags to their twitter bios. such fucking weirdos
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    Unpopular Opinions

    could be pretty cool, in fairness — might end up sounding like the devo version
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    Best/Worst Britpop era bands

    I suppose there’s a case to be made that menswear invented landfill indie
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    brad pitt roaring into walkie-talkie in wonky nordie accent: “the ransom? sure that’d be six wee counties”
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    my pitch to hollywood: a heist movie where the IRA gets back together for one last job, which is to kidnap sue gray before she releases her report
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    so perfectly-pitched to enrage true-blue home-counties tories though. well done priti, or liz, or whoever it is that’s the engine of this thing. it’s frighteningly effective at ruining boris
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    possibly the sensibilliest of all the sensible centrists
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    podcast mics

    ok I ordered one of the podmics, I’ll see how it goes
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    podcast mics

    ...those won’t be too great. this is also an effort to try to get the gear organised in advance, partly to try to ensure that everyone involved will be using the *same* mic, which hopefully makes the task of getting a nice consistent outcome that little bit easier thanks for the thoughts on it
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    podcast mics

    I’ll be helping to record a couple of interviews for a podcast in the next little while. looking for mic recommendations. these puppies are currently €96 on thomann, are they any use? or any thoughts on what I should get? any and all advice...
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    zinged again! kapowza!
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    well shucks, you got me, guess I gotta go resign from the internet
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    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    oh wait, I remember you... you’re that antivaxxer clown from a few months back, I was wondering whether you might come back or not
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    2022 Tunes, not albums, Thread

    where do boy harsher land, culturally speaking? yesterday I saw an old-school giant billboard for their new album in the street, which I suppose means that they’re a bigger deal than I thought they were. this is a fun listen, part new order, part... soft cell? or something else I can’t exactly...
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    I was trying to answer a question from an american friend yesterday, about what the hell the 1922 committee is. at one point I said that it was basically the world’s most confusing post office. counterpoint to lili: perhaps we should hope that he clings to power for now, and staggers on...
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    you’ve been known to punctuate a few equilibriums, it’s true