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  • Before: Feb 19, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    mad irish times punk article

    do they have coffee in letterkenny?
  2. mc moley

    Beloved Husband and Father Punks!

    damn straight!
  3. mc moley


    i mean they dont realy sing about proper things it seems .....its like they're just kinda saying im in love my heart is gonnabreak id rip it out for you blah blha....its vague as its not very particular and you cant relate all that well. and it predictable cuz it just it.
  4. mc moley

    iron maiden

    ah yez are both lovely boys.
  5. mc moley

    Don't you just fucking hate it when..

    there was an 80's underground band in the bay area in sf called 'albany dread' not realy relevant but it makes me look old skool!
  6. mc moley

    for those who couldnt be at shannon today ...

    i was just highlightin the fact that adam is a terrible driver and amy is a cool person to go on trips wit. wogger cabn drive well too. i too think i will never get in a car with adjam again. and remember kids....buckle up
  7. mc moley

    best of 2003

    you were gonna go to wales to ya fecker....what was her name, interailing girl...... emma is coming over here for xmas so it looks like we'l never meke it over to wales im afraid. oh well john. maybe sometime next year! (u know what im takin about)
  8. mc moley


    to be honest i havent heard newborn or from autum... but thrice just annoy me. the guitars and all instraments for that matter are real good in thurs and funeral but too similar to be anything ground breaking. make us a tape of things you'd think i might like and ill do the same. then we can...
  9. mc moley

    best of 2003

    the best gz gig was that gig fisted sister played at. that was hillarious. that was b yth's last gig too wasnt it? or did puget play?
  10. mc moley


    the whole image sell out thing doesnt annoy me half as much as the horrible lyrics. its like its got no emotion cuz they're so fake. there just so cliched.....knnow what im trying to say. emo should be more personal and not so vague and predictable....i think anyway
  11. mc moley

    for those who couldnt be at shannon today ...

    yeah that was a deadly trip.....was that the gig the next day when stephen got his face painted and all that?
  12. mc moley

    Beloved Husband and Father Punks!

    wanna talk about it?
  13. mc moley

    Beloved Husband and Father Punks!

    whats gonna happen to phil? your not.....breaking up....are you?
  14. mc moley


    all this new wave emo is a bit daft if ya ask me. bands like thurs and funeral for a friend and thrice....they kinda blur the lines as far as the whole corporate in they apear in stupid magazines, and on tv (any of em ever be on mtv?). another thing i dont like about them is their...
  15. mc moley

    iron maiden

    as you should
  16. mc moley

    What's the story with the message board layout?

    weeler we both know your smarter than me. no need to rub it in with your fancy cut and paste jobs. hows about ill suck you off and we'll call it quits? seriously though what the hell did that thing mean?
  17. mc moley


    i was being serious. have you not seen my ink man?
  18. mc moley

    iron maiden

    ok thanks. you wer nicer than oly was.
  19. mc moley

    for those who couldnt be at shannon today ...

    COmparison of Adam to Amy as a driver... an in depth case study once when we had a few gigs round the country turlok (kid blunt) me and adam(mo7's) were in adam's truck with all the gear. any way coming from the longford gig we hit that bridge/hill/turn thing at high speeds and almost flew...
  20. mc moley

    for those who couldnt be at shannon today ...

    Timmy (amy's car) is the best! she gave it to wogger (our bassist) for a week so we could go on tour. she didnt even come with us. lets turn this into a how nice amy is thread. gosh she is swell! no seriously though amy is the best.,...she takes us all on mad adventures...wether it be surfers...