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  • Before: Feb 19, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
  • Order by date
  1. mc moley


    works dosent it? who could resist paying a fiver to see a topless kendo banging the pots? not me.
  2. mc moley

    Rare Vinyl

    we played in england two halloweens ago and a ghost was haunting my amp. in between one of the songs it started howling at me...seriously. it wasnt feed back either..proper howls.
  3. mc moley

    Attention Killcoolies!

    the line up is as following.... margin of error(punk as a safety pin) crooky fix (rip in it up hc) the opening (new young guns from kilcoole...instramental band) burn it to the ground (weelers emotionally crippiling band) giant killer robots(port laoise stompers) wolves (foot...
  4. mc moley


    oh jill lettting the side down i was expecting you'd be straight in there with a langdon beck slag...tis tis
  5. mc moley

    Attention Killcoolies!

    we also call him woggles...he's quite endearing.
  6. mc moley

    Attention Killcoolies!

    no i dont think so...wogger..wog of hair...he's got a big wog of dreads.
  7. mc moley

    Rare Vinyl

    yes funny how that gets around.
  8. mc moley

    Attention Killcoolies!

    matts car was broken into. they took a sleeping bag (ross nearly cryed he thought he had to sleep on the dirty punks floor with no comfort..poor lad) a bag with a coat, a pocket knife, 50 quid! and other stuff. any of that the stuff you got? if so ring wogger at 086 40 32346. thanks very...
  9. mc moley

    Rare Vinyl

    i live at home with my folks. in a big house. punk as fuck wha? yeah
  10. mc moley

    party hearty ye dig?

    the last thing we listened to in 2003 was ac dc and then the first thing in 2004 was the beastie boys. fucking classic!
  11. mc moley

    Rare Vinyl

    damn straight
  12. mc moley

    party hearty ye dig?

    who the fuck is la la? only stepehn would put 'kid blunt rock my world' under his name. something fishy is going on. by the way we cant play tomoorro cuz kendo has to work (how uncompliant...seee why we changed names!) so no hot drummer= no selling point= no show. sorry to disapoint. still...
  13. mc moley

    Predictions for 2004

    Bands on the rise: margin of error,crooky fix, backhanders, serpents, soliders take half Scene Kings (to take the immortal Puget Sound's place): soliders take half, kid blunt Gigs: gz gigs will be the most frequent but will probably lack us kilcoolers as the last bus/dart syndrome is shite...
  14. mc moley

    new against me! album

    queen covers eh? on the casket lottery and small brown bike split theirs a queen song too....under pressure.
  15. mc moley

    Punk For It

    hey sean some of the punks just got back from the std unit and got the all clear. but this presents a see you seem to have vd a viscious sexually transmitted disease. so your gonna have to get the all clear before posting up again. std's are no laughing matter. ahh only messin...
  16. mc moley

    road relish xmas party

    i dunno what they sound like. why didnt you's sing into the mics in whealens the other night? eh? explain yourslef!
  17. mc moley

    road relish xmas party

    this tues? as in tomorro?
  18. mc moley


    yeah your right i was just looking for an excuse to sleep on your floor again and eat cake with winty and talk about girls!
  19. mc moley


    hahaha its funny how every time i meet a townie the first thing they say is langdon beck is such a shit name!! i think its hillarious.....we're only keeping it out of spite now! but compliance (<- pretencious wankcore)
  20. mc moley


    speaking of which anybody want to give us a gig in dublin? we havnt played there in about 2 months. snif snif