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  1. Anthem

    Sex, Drugs and Upholstery..Conan interviews Jack White

    Great interview courtesy of Conan's twitter account..]
  2. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    Would love to see a Triad or Yakuza muscling in on boardwalk next season to replace the gap left by Rossetti.
  3. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    Awesome finale to the greatest show ever put on telly..roll on season four.
  4. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    A great ending to a fantastic episode.
  5. Anthem

    New Celtic Thread - They Beat Barcelona

    Celtic's defensives performance was better than Chelsea's and as good as Inter's when they both went on to win the CL Dunphy (love or loathe him) made a fantastic point when he said that Celtic's man mangemnet by Lennon was simply outstanding. He inspired confidence and belief in his players by...
  6. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    Thats been the most eventful thing she has done in the entire series, I just find her incredibly dull and irritating. I agree with you about Owen who is playing a dangerous game, has he forgotten what Nucky is capable of already!?
  7. Anthem

    New Celtic Thread - They Beat Barcelona

    Teams have cottoned on to them and will follow suit. Barca need to come up with a new strategy to deal with that , if not then I can't see them winning the CL.
  8. Anthem

    Ireland v Greece

    Lets face it folks, this friendly is just a cosmetic exercise to placate the fans and press. Traps inclusion of Hoolahan, Gibson et is only a temporary measure before he reverts back to type with the same rubbish players playing the same ghastly football.
  9. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    If you do, tune in - you will be glad you did. The film was the best I saw of the whole of last year. Paddy Considine's first movie as director and writer and what a film..I hope he makes more after that one.
  10. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    Funny enough you should say that as I think we might see him being used more esp after the latest episode.
  11. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    There are but we don't get to see enough of them, Chalky and Van Alden being good examples. Gyp Rosseti's character is essential to this success of this season, without him you have no story, no build up, no war brewing. He is one hard core gangster and its the shot in the arm that the season...
  12. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Film 4 are premiering Tyrannosaur next Tuesday at 11 p.m. Highly recommended.
  13. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    I'm on episode 8 of season 3 - epic is the only word for it. I thought the last couple of episodes felt like fillers up to that point. This season would have have been flat imo if it weren't for Gyp Rossetti and where the hell is Chalky?
  14. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Kidnapped - Spanish home invasion movie. Watchable but amateurish - total rip off of Funny Games.
  15. Anthem

    50 Essential Horror Movies

    Too lazy to the Entity in there? Very creepy movie based on a true story and rated by Martin Scorcese, no less ,as one of the scariest horrors of all time.
  16. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    I watched the third episode last week and it is building up very nicely indeed. Margaret irritates the hell out of me though.
  17. Anthem

    Boardwalk Empire Season 3

    Verry funny too..the basement scene were he calls Nucky a "fucking breadroll in a bow tie" had me in stitches.
  18. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Sorry..I put up poster image of movie but got deleted for some reason. The name of above movie is Incendies.
  19. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    If you are a fan of foreign movies then watch this one. It is absolutely brilliant but also very, very disturbing, . Best film I've seen all year by far. Here is a brief description : <----- You can watch it here
  20. Anthem

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Just realised that you didn't actually recomend it but I will watch it anyway. Don't get me wrong , I didn't dislike I saw the Devil, I found it very entertaining just ridiculous in that you were asked to forgive all the plot holes and credibility for those 2 and a half hours.