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  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
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  1. La La

    wierd junk mail

    weird junk mail haha this is a first. dont usually read them but i did read this one. subject: CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CONTRACT PAYMENT) hahahahahaha i mean what the hell?? AND if you;re not a sir, you're a 'Ma" !!! hahaha
  2. La La

    your favourite bagel combination

    sesame/poppy seed bagel layer of smoked salmon thick layer of chutney (tomato or pear) layer of cheese so. fucking. yum.
  3. La La

    An Inconvenient Truth

    sorry if there was a thread already but I saw this last night and really liked it. gave me a sick feeling in my tummy to see pics of those glaciers receding though. whatever personal agenda al gore may have, i think it's been an excellent contribution to the world of film. good movie.
  4. La La

    Drop D Showcase

    there simply aren't enough threads started by/about you. so here's another. !baggyyyy :rolleyes:
  5. La La

    citizen's arrest

    anyone ever made one? are you allowed do that in ireland?!? "you're under arrest." "wtf? why?" "just cuz" :cool:
  6. La La

    weird noises in general driving you mad

    there's one in the office today. kinda sounds like a cat-scan at a check out counter.:mad: i don't know where you're coming from, but i can hear you. and if i can find your source, i wlil smash it with a crowbar. why? because you are driving me INSANE you bastard...
  7. La La

    Photo Challenge: Series (of your choice)

    starting today (or whenever is convenient) i suggest taking a pic of something you see on a daily basis (landscape/nature/buildings). take a pic once a day and at the end of your week, post up the seven (or 5 for those who want to do a working week instead) pictures. it will be interesting to...
  8. La La


    by golly they're nice! all warm an toasty out of - lob some real butter on top and a dollop of honey. cal me a west brit, for i care not. they're simply scrumpcious!!!!!!!!!!
  9. La La

    has anyone heard the new Deerhoof album yet?

    apparently its amazing according to a guy i work with - must get it from him and give it a listen. .|..|
  10. La La


  11. La La


  12. La La

    kota kinabalu

    myself and some girlfriends are looking to get away for 5 days in march. we're looking for a beach hut type of deal with nice surf. but not thailand. kota kinabalu popped into my head - anyone ever been? if not, where else in SE asia would yis recommend? can get cheap flights from here to...
  13. La La

    Maoists to join Nepalese parliament

    bit of a landmark move.
  14. La La

    saddam co defendants executed

    was just talking to one of the international editors - apparently one guy had a botched execution and his fucking head came off!!!!
  15. La La


    ask here and thumped will hopefully answer. my question: how do barnacles get stuck to whales? they're (whales) constantly moving, right?
  16. La La


    going end of jan. apart from the obvious (forbidden city etc) any tips on what to see and do? ill be snowboarding most of the time but will have about a day and a half to wander. ta :)
  17. La La


    my brother just went down to the bookies with a tenner i gave him. the horse he bet on, Hot Port, just won me a hunnerd euro. crikey! gambling is deadly! i should be happy with my winnings but now all i can think of is that if i had given him 40, id be 400 euro richer. im also trying to...
  18. La La

    christmas dinner-induced foodcoma hangin around here for a while and don't be moanin - you shoulda stopped eating after the second helping.' me: 'uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' *reaches for more potato and leek pie* fucking hell. i think i put on a gazillion stone in one sitting...
  19. La La

    going back to uni

    I graduated two years ago, been working on a salary ever since. but now i'm thinking of heading back to do an MA (full time, one year). any of you ever done it? im trying to wrap my head around the idea of giving up a regular income to be a student again and all that goes with it; ie - no...
  20. La La

    Photo Challenge suggestions

    howerya, it's been a while since we've had a new challenge. pls leave suggestions here and when we're decided, ill just change the name of the thread. also where the fook is ICUH8N and his deadly photography these dayz?