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  • Users: La La
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  1. La La

    pub grub

    nothing beats a good feed in a pub some days. where's your favourite place for pub grub? anywhere in ireland. there's one place in roundstone the name of which escapes me, but i recall it being bleedin delicious - soups, sandwiches, roaring fire. hmmmmmmm :)
  2. La La


    anyone like spoonerisms?
  3. La La

    who wants a fatwah? i'm giving them out.

    also this is my 9,000th post. :o (nerd alert) a fatwah will make people notice you and (apparently) hot girls/guys go out with you. please form an orderly queue, no pushing or shoving kthx.
  4. La La


    it's controversial. i was smacked rarely but when i was i learned my lesson so to speak. do you smack your sprogs? - i dont have kids but i dont think i would smack them, i never enjoyed it when i was.
  5. La La

    name your vice

    tea cigarettes (though i'm hoping allen carr will help me to prove otherwise) potatoes (preferably mashed) CSI bulmers google image searching 'snow leopard cubs' i'm sure there are more but i'll have to ponder it. (should rename thread vice(s) but.)
  6. La La

    where's theweeyin gone??

    i know under her name it says "gettin busy with it" but she's not been around for almost a month. any guesses as to her whereabouts? im going with kidnapped by kittens. :confused:
  7. La La

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No - it's The Shamrock.

    *golf claps* any of you read this before?!?
  8. La La

    cheap hotels in london

    but not grotty. location isnt too important but central enough would be nice. does anyone know of any hotels/sites that would suit? it'll be for about 4/5 days in april or may. thanks :) :heart:
  9. La La

    are you allowed your earphones in at work?

    luckily where I work we are - thank god. I can't imagine not being able to listen to my iPod all day. and strangely it doesn't seem to affect my concentration....(that's what thumped is for) ;) most of us converse through MSN anyway (rather impersonal but) so in your workplace are you...
  10. La La

    Boys if you had to....

    repopulate the earth who would it be with? i know it's limited but you have some good choices there
  11. La La

    Instead of snakes, I wish St Patrick had rid Ireland of....

    spiders shitty weather michael mcdowell overpriced booze
  12. La La

    mummys - when you were pregnant....

    did you have random people coming up and touching your tummy? did friends? were you cool with it or did you feel it was annoying and invasive? was talking with a woman at work about it today and was just wondering. she personally didnt like when people would do it to her.
  13. La La

    jean de florette/manon des sources appreciation thread

    what's not to love? though i have to say the ribbon through the nipple bit still makes me shudder... i really must track these down and give them a watch again. :)
  14. La La

    i know it's early but....electric picnic

    see, im pretty sure i'll be back for it this year - but ill prob only be arriving back in ireland the week before. have checked the website but as of yet there are no dates up. does anyone know when it's scheduled for? the other thing is tickets - can they be bought online? i havent...
  15. La La

    thumped specialists

    niggleybath: music broken arm: environmental matters brian conniffe: female reproductive system, pharmaceuticals dunchee: how to be the best vegan you can be - and still eat grease code ninja and anal hygeine: photoshopping theweeyin: art of flirting jane: womb and immigration-related...
  16. La La

    when do you think you'll stop posting on thumped?

    reckon you'll just wake up one day and feel like you wont bother posting anymore?
  17. La La

    is itok to delete .dmg files?

    without losing the application itself? i am trying to clear out my hard drive but its full of msn and skype dmg files - can i bin them or will i lose the ability to run said applications if i do? ta.
  18. La La

    1984 on stage

    The stage adaptation of Orwell's book, directed by Tim Robbins. I went to see it last night and am still in two minds about the whole thing. can't fault the performances - very energetic and very intense. But I dunno.....when you've read something about 4 times and then see it on stage -...
  19. La La

    who is your favourite johnny?

  20. La La

    i dont know if you guys use this site

    i only heard about it yesterday but its cool cos it means you dont have to download anything to your computer, thus saving space. has heaps of tv shows, movies, etc. :)