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  • Before: Jun 16, 2009
  • Users: sarah
  • Order by date
  1. sarah

    Senor, My Friend re-release

    Ok if you have a credit card you gotta go buy this. If you like me have serious emotional lability, those lyrics are gonna be tugging at your heart strings. Very rarely do I actually bother my arse paying attention to lyric, cause I'm a bit deficient like that. But those stories stuck with me...
  2. sarah

    Random Photos

  3. sarah

    Shafted by a heroin addict

    Some times it's hard to tell the vultures from those that are asking a genuine favour. Better to err on the side of kindness- for all the pricky pushy wankers I've ended up giving money to, I've also met lots of genuine people who you hope are going to end up getting themselves sorted. My...
  4. sarah

    Random Photos

    Ah thanks goys! Here's another from the same day
  5. sarah

    Random Photos

    It's a little girl burying her brother in the sand in the steep edge of the dunes in Britta's bay. I thought it was funny because she look like she's doing away with him. His face is so trusting. Further up the beach I saw a little girl with a plastic shovel held ready to strike her smaller...
  6. sarah

    Random Photos

  7. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

  8. sarah

    cars - who owns one?

    I have a Daewoo Matiz 1 liter totally grand to run and can park it anywhere (assuming you weren't terrified of damaging other cars like I am). However they apparently have gone out of business so would avoid Daewoo s as parts will be a bitch to get. Anyone that I consulted, who were...
  9. sarah

    Is it the camera or postprocessing...

    Cheers guys, the first two were one example out of a photo-story, so the questions wasn't so mucha bout specific photos more than the whole sets as they have a consistent quality in terms of colours and lighting. I'm with you on the contrasty-ness of the first one though.
  10. sarah

    Is it the camera or postprocessing...

    p.s. by camera I obviously mean the skill and eye of photographer as well.
  11. sarah

    Is it the camera or postprocessing...

    ... that achieves the lovely quality of these photographs, obviously its really good lighting... do you reckon subtle flash was used? I am fed up for the most part of colour in my pics. Would love to get such beautiful tones as this guy...
  12. sarah

    Random Photos

  13. sarah

    If I didn't already have a dog...

    Golly that's a bit harsh now La La, ireland is so anti-animals especially if you're in rented accomodation. I found Jeffrey and told my Landlord that I was only keeping him until I found his owners... who never materialised. The idea of him being in a horrible pound was rotten, so I've just...
  14. sarah

    If I didn't already have a dog...

    Awww, he's dead cute, those nails are a bit worrying though, you wouldn't want to get him angry.
  15. sarah

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Akira: very long and convoluted. Not very engaging.
  16. sarah

    Random Photos

    hhhhmm I wonder what the etiquette would be? Would you have to ask everyone's permission before posting up? Is it any different from throwing stuff up on flickr? I do like the idea of documenting quirky old folk fashion, partially as inspiration for my own dotage.
  17. sarah

    If I didn't already have a dog...

    there are also rottweiler pups and a siberian husky in previous days listings.
  18. sarah

    If I didn't already have a dog...

    I would adopt this guy in a second. Any time I see long time pets in the freebie section it breaks my heart. Hope I never am in a position where I have to give up Jeffrey to strangers.
  19. sarah

    Photo Challenge: Snow!!!

    Wow that's deadly! whereabouts in the mountains is that view from?
  20. sarah

    Bollox Bollox Bollox

    aarrgh, I sympathise, went to Iceland last year and decided to take nearly every bloody shot at an annoying angle resulting in about 3 pics I think are.. ok.. from the whole bloody holiday. v. annoying to miss opportunities like that. All part of the learning