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  • Before: Jun 16, 2009
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Random Photos

    Love it! Brooklyn bridge?
  2. sarah

    Random Photos

    Well spotted!
  3. sarah

    Random Photos

  4. sarah

    Stairgate (s)

    Hey there, would any of you proud parents have a free/cheap stairgate lying around gathering dust? Have asked on Freecycle jumbletown but can't seem to source one. Also some lady saw my requests and mailed me saying if I find two could she have the spare as she has a dog with bad back that she...
  5. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    The rooms have been taken. Jeffrey worked his charms again.
  6. sarah

    Red Riding

    Saw the first one and then completely forgot about it... was deadly though. Loved the cinematography or whatever you call it, anyway it was delicious to look at.
  7. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

    Jeffrey in Heaven, He loves the fluffy wool rug in my room but only gets to lie on it when the landlord, who he hates, is in the house. Wool rug in return for keeping quiet and not trying to eat the landlord= fair exchange.
  8. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    p.s. as we are really keen to only share with one person cause we love having all that space, we are open to some negotiation on the price!
  9. sarah

    Single Room to let in Raheny

    He likes to watch you sleep...
  10. sarah

    Are tits great?

    I beg to differ, this is the only shop you'll ever need for bras it's on earlsfort terrace, the best thing about it is, they go by how the bra fits you not by what size it says on the label. You just stand in the dressing room and they bring them all to you..|..| you're...
  11. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    Oh one last thing I forgot to add, the floors are all being replaced downstairs, so brand new laminate flooring downstairs and new carpets on the stairwells, plus being newly repainted, you also have a choice of taking two rooms opposite one another thereby having a whole level to yourself or...
  12. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    hhhm that link isn't going to right place if you just click, copy and paste the whole lot and it should go, don't know why it comes up like that.
  13. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    Ok, well then amend it to 5-8 mins by bike if ex-courier or general maniac on bike, 15 at leisurely pace.
  14. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    Is that why it was a *pokey* bedsit?
  15. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    ...a level of a house to yourself isn't too bad, for that kinda money you'd only get a very poky little bedsit this way you have lots of space. :) *edit* plus I totally forgot to mention where it is, it's on the inchicore rd, same road that kilmainham jail is on, and 2 mins away from IMMA. the...
  16. sarah

    A double bedroom + seperate office/sitting room

    yep the the arrangements have changed. Now you can have your own double bedroom, with loads of storage- built in wardrobe + chest of drawers. aaaand a second double room with gas fireplace, couch, small freestanding wardrobe, and a single bed. Guy was using this as an office/sitting room it...
  17. sarah

    second hand furniture

    Yep that's right, I think it's called busybees, I thought it was a creche for ages.
  18. sarah

    second hand furniture

    have you tried or the oxfam furniture store on francis st. or these guys I gather they have a big warehouse open on saturdays, haven't got a chance to look at it yet. Or there's a very nice place on cows lane where I got a...
  19. sarah

    Meeting People

    Nail on head there. Although I don't blame em. Years ago I told a guy I thought he was nice and he still acts as if I'm going to attempt to ravish him any time I see him. He probably thinks I'm still kept awake nights dreaming of being with him. :rolleyes: Be nice if both men and women could...