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  • Before: Dec 15, 2015
  • Users: HMD
  • Order by date
  1. HMD

    Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens

    I going to ruin it for everyone in work when i go in on Thursday. I won't say anything here though
  2. HMD

    Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens

    Anyone going to see it at midnight tomorrow?
  3. HMD

    animated gif thread

    i love you all
  4. HMD

    Thumped album club

    So it's open to abuse/fixing then?
  5. HMD

    Home Media Server

    I can't help you set it up them. @pete you know that shit on PC don't you?
  6. HMD

    Thumped album club

    @pete Can i edit my list or see what's been submitted?
  7. HMD

    Home Media Server

    Setup remote desktop and you can. Are you using a Mac?
  8. HMD

    Home Media Server

    Yeah, what pete said. I use plex for viewing my media out of the gaf but it's a shit UI, i use Kodi at home because i prefer the interface.
  9. HMD

    Home Media Server

    How about a raspberry Pi running a torrent client and Kodi connected to a NAS and a fancy logitech remote.
  10. HMD

    The HMD Radio Show

    Ok, I will
  11. HMD

    The HMD Radio Show

    Episode 153 is here The HMD Radio Show 153 | Radioactive International Beers reviewed are two of the 8 Degrees seasonal, the Belgian Stout and the Red IPA. The tunes are belting as usual.
  12. HMD

    Thumped album club

    So when is the first album being picked?
  13. HMD

    Thumped album club

    @scutter I'm in
  14. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  15. HMD

    Do we have a Juggalo thread...? - In Defence Of Juggalos

    CVLT Nation's Favourite Tumblr... OK Cupid Juggalos -
  16. HMD

    Minor complaints thread

    Work do last night.
  17. HMD

    Major Complaints Thread

    I'm grand now. It's working better than it has for years, it's just I didn't know there was anything wrong. Is there a I'm a lucky bastard thread?
  18. HMD

    Major Complaints Thread

    Went to the doctor for a check up. Turns out one of my arteries was 95% blocked so I got a stent. They do them with no anaesthetic, I could feel the catheter moving across my chest under the skin.
  19. HMD

    When people buy you music as a present

    The last record someone bought for me as a present was Obituary- the end complete for my 21st. I have received presents of music since then but they were from the persons collection because they knew I'd love it.
  20. HMD

    animated gif thread
