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  1. sweetoblivion

    When Under Ether - new music show on RTE 2

    Well I didn't quite mean that, everyone has their own style and some people appeal to the masses more than others. I presume people from the show are monitoring the talk about it on the net so if we say what we like/don't like, things may change. I'd like to see less well-known Irish bands...
  2. sweetoblivion

    When Under Ether - new music show on RTE 2

    Because of the dearth of music shows on RTE, any shows that do exist sort of have to appeal to everyone, don't they? And it's hard to keep any sort of balance. Ideally it would be great to have more 'niche' shows, but that's too unrealistic, sadly. It will be interesting to see how When Under...
  3. sweetoblivion

    Click Clack on 2XM- shameless spam alert

    I think they're due to update and relaunch the site soon - there have been a lot of changes recently and new people including myself have come on board who aren't mentioned on the official website. Hopefully it'll happen sooner rather than later! There is a facebook fan site though...
  4. sweetoblivion

    Sweet Oblivion on RTE 2XM

    here's the playlist:
  5. sweetoblivion

    Sweet Oblivion on RTE 2XM

    cool! :) thanks for listening in! I hate listening back to the show, I don't think I breathed once in that whole hour....
  6. sweetoblivion

    Sweet Oblivion on RTE 2XM

    I think it's only available on real player! sorry!
  7. sweetoblivion

    Sweet Oblivion on RTE 2XM

    Online now folks - plus the facebook page: :)
  8. sweetoblivion

    Unsatisfactory Haircuts

    Asked a hairdresser to cut me a 'choppy side fringe' at the weekend....she cut chunks out of my fringe, at the side. Hmmm. Not the same thing, missus. oh also, ladies - the joy of going to a hairdresser when you don't dye your hair! it's cheap(ish)! and quick! a whole new world.
  9. sweetoblivion

    should fightin threads be closed?

    are there links to these closed threads? I like reading about fighting threads when I'm not doing the fighting
  10. sweetoblivion

    Oblivia+Ju Suk Reet Meate (Smegma),Jozef Van Wissem,Laura Sheeran ~Nov 7th@Black Sun

    Re: Oblivia+Ju Suk Reet Meate (Smegma),Jozef Van Wissem,Laura Sheeran ~Nov 7th@Black super awesome night!! I :heart: Laura Sheeran and hope I'm as cool as the Tenses when I grow up!! and who knew the lute was so rock n roll?!
  11. sweetoblivion

    John Vanderslice gig

    Well, how'd it go? The man himself thought it was awesome :-)
  12. sweetoblivion

    kiss greeting in the workplace

    Beauty PR people tend to do that kiss at the end of business emails thing. Weird.
  13. sweetoblivion

    midlake appreciation thread

    Bonsai got our tickets, the legend. Can't wait!!!!
  14. sweetoblivion

    John Vanderslice gig

    You better! ;) Report back!
  15. sweetoblivion

    kiss greeting in the workplace

    You know that Curb Your Enthusiasm thing, 'stop n chats?' Well I reckon there are 'kiss n hugs' too, those awkward situations where you don't know whether to hug or kiss... One of my best friends works with loads of European people so most of her friends at house parties etc are from Italy...
  16. sweetoblivion

    midlake appreciation thread

    IF anything it gave you longer to save up....
  17. sweetoblivion

    midlake appreciation thread

    Oh hi Cinnamonboy.
  18. sweetoblivion

    midlake appreciation thread

    can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait getting bonsai to book these tomorrow. From what I hear (from people who've heard the album, which I haven't) Courage of Others is even BETTER than Van O......??!
  19. sweetoblivion

    John Vanderslice gig

    new interview: I have to go home to Cork tomorrow - daydreamnation is doing her first solo DJ slot! - so even though I have a great reason to go home & am delighted to support her, it means i have to miss this gig. I swear, I...