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  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Minor complaints thread

    There’s music playing so loud outside that it sounds like a balrog is coming. The whole building is vibrating and there’s dogs going nuts. *edit Rammstein are playing, I thought that was yesterday. I retract my complaint.
  2. R

    Minor Pleasures

    That was hypnotic.
  3. R

    Home improvement

    You should have taken The Ram up on getting a goat that time.
  4. R


    Or where your keys are, where you wallet is, where your glasses are (on your head).
  5. R


    Great, Thumpeders are synching cycles. That's all we need.
  6. R


    Yep. Both my partner and I couldn’t sleep last night and I feel like hammered shit. Maybe it was a full moon or something.
  7. R

    European and local elections 2024

    Gah, I hate this laptop.
  8. R

    European and local elections 2024

    If he gets it, juggling that with the Ministerial role is just insane. Senator Pippa Hackett is in the running too. The Ukraine/Refugee crisis should have a planning committee made up of reps from Housing, Social Protection, Justice, Integration, local Council and NGOs. Instead it seems to be...
  9. R

    European and local elections 2024

    I’m a little biased here because the TFI 90 minute fare has save me a decent amount over the last year.
  10. R

    European and local elections 2024

    I know someone that was working in the convention centre at the time and they said it was gruelling. As far as I know, Court and Oireachtas staff aren’t covered by the same labour laws as other places, so people could be working until 2am and back in first thing in the morning. He probably...
  11. R

    European and local elections 2024

    The only TD I can think of that would be able for it is Roderic but he has his hands full, and no one else would want that ministerial post. Maybe a Senator would be a good call?
  12. R

    Your work situation

    I'm trying to just focus on the fact that it wasnt "The good ship Venus", which is the greatest sea shanty ever written. Last time I spoke to one of the TDs there, I was trying to get him to eat sandwiches and kept saying "they're like really good funeral sndwiches". Apparently I said it a lot...
  13. R

    Your work situation

    That actully helped. Thanks.
  14. R

    Your work situation

    I'm intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. In 30 mins I have to attend another meeting with them all again, but in person this time. The building isnt tall enough for me to jump off, so I'm not getting out of this.
  15. R

    Your work situation

    I want to die.
  16. R

    Your work situation

    I had to facilitate an MS Teams meeting today, but it's for the (very much) more senior people, so I stay quite and just take notes etc. Accidentally unmuted myself when I was singing a sea shanty to someone in the office. I'm tone deaf and it was not good. One of the TDs in the meeting asked...
  17. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    I was a bit like that, but probably messier, so it is possible for people to change. One time, my house was broken into and the Gardai were waiting for me when I got home, to warn me that they’d really messed up the place. My Dad walked in with me and gave me a discreet kick when I was halfway...
  18. R

    European and local elections 2024

    I don’t think the RTE scandal helps Catherine Martin right now. She didnt handle that well as minister and will want the leadership role.
  19. R

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    We're going to LCD Soundsystem in malahide park next week. Has anyone gotten the chartered Dublin bus back from Malahide, or just used the regular public transport? The only time I've gone to a gig there was for one of those candlelight quartet thing, so a lot less people.
  20. R

    Home improvement

    That's beautiful.