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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    What's your favourite Love?

    Earthquakes need love too
  2. timbot

    The future is here...?!

    That looks cool!
  3. timbot

    she's a dark horse alright...

  4. timbot

    she's a dark horse alright...

    Ah for God's sake Froog, this thread was exactly what I expected it to be...
  5. timbot

    Norbit gets an Oscar nomination?!

    Well, whatever about Norbit getting a nomination (Travesty, etc) I didnt think the Darjeeling limited was great. The Wes Anderson world looked beautiful as always but the characters he choose to put in it I found quite annoying. With Norbit - maybe they were just looking to get nominees who...
  6. timbot

    Explosions in the sky tickets?

    I'll take as many as anyone has got going as well.
  7. timbot

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    Yeah, Britney's mum had to recall her book on successful parenting from the publishers.
  8. timbot

    Riga - Latvia

    Aw, I looked at this thread squinty eyed and thought it was an appreciation thread for the baby food Liga.
  9. timbot

    Best hangover food?

    Well, I used to swear by Mueseli for making me feel better but it is tough to face into. Tomato soup, cheese and toast, cup of tea. That is for when I am not feeling so puritan. If you go somewhere for food get one of those Kopperburg Pear Ciders to wash it down and clear the head.
  10. timbot

    farting infront of a "new" fella for the first time..

    Why Froog, are you feeling insecure?
  11. timbot

    kraftwerk play coachella

    Your living in the past man, quit living in the past. Kraftwerk at EP in 2005 was easily one of my top 5 gigs of all time though...
  12. timbot

    farting infront of a "new" fella for the first time..

    I think disgust around bodily functions tends to be over-rated, if you have to fart, fart. I don't think I would ever find it gross.
  13. timbot

    Gulity pleasures

    I know a guy who maintained that if 2 men were involved, being the person on top was not gay but the person receiving was. Figure that one out...
  14. timbot

    the toasties in grogans

    I think the mustard is what seals the deal for me... Mmmmmm......
  15. timbot

    What's your favourite love song?

    Does the love between a girl and her kite count - if so then Kites are Fun by the Free Design is my all time favourite song Otherwise Out of this World by the Cure is a lovely song
  16. timbot

    Not so sexy fetishes

    What about the whole Japanese octopus sex thing? Apparantly there is an underground in it - (what isnt there), octopus generally has to be killed beforehand. Weird.
  17. timbot


    Sounds like the end of civilisation. Maybe in Britain the government could off that service using their CCTV network...?
  18. timbot

    Nice beefy/bassy distortion pedal

    I don't know too much about this so I could be well off but didn't Kyuss play guitar through a bass sound system - gave them a huge low end sound. Could you do something like that?
  19. timbot

    It's the economy, cupid

    In a bid to flag the ailing economy I gladly would buying more delicious chocolates, more lavish gifts and more extravagant meals than ever before. Maybe even a wedding dress... Shame I am single.
  20. timbot

    Over used scales

    I know Godspeed you Black Emperor named their first album after the tuning the guitars were in.