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  • Before: May 19, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
  • Order by date
  1. robitusson

    Obama's huge package

    Isn't Capitalism supposed to be all about "free" markets with no state intervention?
  2. robitusson

    Happy birthday Beattre

    You'll be needing these I believe.
  3. robitusson

    Congratulations to Duffy

    Same. That ad was the first time I ever heard the slut sing a note.
  4. robitusson

    Tunguska+Bacchus+2 more. Lower deck March14th

    Decapitated Jaysuz is the best band name of all time.
  5. robitusson

    Mags from Excrement of War

    Sorry to hear that Sean. I know she was a mate of yours. My condolences to you and her family. RIP.
  6. robitusson

    Free Education for Everyone (FEE) calls for student block on ICTU march!

    Hmmm...the people voted in a populist government who said they'd cut services in exchange for lower taxes, 3 fucking times!!! ...and suddenly they change their mind and do a bit of protesting now. We got what we voted for. Tough tittie Ireland.
  7. robitusson

    Congratulations to Duffy

    "Here's the deal, folks. You do a commercial - you're off the artistic roll call, forever. End of story. Okay? You're another whore at the captialist gang bang and if you do a commercial, there's a price on your head. Everything you say is suspect and every word that comes out of your mouth...
  8. robitusson

    Fag enablers, they're coming for you!!

    God hates us here too.
  9. robitusson

    Which has been the best decade for music?

    Thrash metal, black metal, death metal, American hc.
  10. robitusson

    Which has been the best decade for music?

    80s all de way.
  11. robitusson

    Valentine's Day

  12. robitusson

    One For The Road: A Road Records Benefit & Celebration

    Hang on! They're not closing?
  13. robitusson

    13 year old dad....

    He'll probably be a grandad in another 13 years.
  14. robitusson

    Limp Wrist @ 1 in 12 Club, Bradford, UK

    Hope you weren't moshing at it or enjoying a bit of death metal in their sight. They might have wagged their fingers at you for that. Tut tut!
  15. robitusson

    Inglorious Basterds

    Looks ridiculous.
  16. robitusson

    Joacin Phoenix Raps on stage, falls off same

    Hwakin Phoenix...oh well, hopefully he'll start on the speedballs soon and join his bro.
  17. robitusson


    Tres bon!, i mean tres hombres! No, no, that's not it.....muy bueno. Gah! Bloody foreigners!
  18. robitusson


    New e.p. out.
  19. robitusson

    Anvil! - de movie .|..|.|..|.|..|.|..|.|..|.|..|.|..|