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  • Before: May 19, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
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  1. robitusson

    IGGY AND THE STOOGES tonight in IMMA. Isle of Wright set list and comp details.....

    Re: IGGY AND THE STOOGES tonight in IMMA. Isle of Wright set list and comp details... Did anyone actually like their new album?
  2. robitusson


    Has anyone on here actually come out in support for Hamas?
  3. robitusson


    /\ Terrorists acting illegally and not representing a state, could be Lebanese, could be Palestinian, could be Jordanian. /\ The IDF getting Israel's children involved: a state army acting legally on behalf of that country.
  4. robitusson


    Jeezus, gotta put more of a warning on that clip. That is horrendous.
  5. robitusson

    02/01/2009 - Doom O'er the Deck III - Altar of Plagues/ Siorai Geimhreadh/ Wretch +2

    Re: 02/01/2009 - Doom O'er the Deck III - Altar of Plagues/ Siorai Geimhreadh/ Wretch Ian Munroe alcoholic dwarf, Ian Munroe alcoholic dwarf. Hmmm... doesn't roll off the tongue like "nick nerd" does.
  6. robitusson

    02/01/2009 - Doom O'er the Deck III - Altar of Plagues/ Siorai Geimhreadh/ Wretch +2

    Re: 02/01/2009 - Doom O'er the Deck III - Altar of Plagues/ Siorai Geimhreadh/ Wretch Anyone in touch with skubol? I asked him to bring the Wolfbrigade LP for me but I'm not going now. pm sent but no reply. Would anyone be able to tell him not to bother briniging it for me?
  7. robitusson

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Same as Richard Dawkins. Another asshole shooting fish in a barrel.
  8. robitusson

    playlist time

  9. robitusson

    Recommend some DubStep

    Nice wan. Downloading that Burial - Untrue one now.
  10. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    Can I go out on a limb then and say that album is one of the greatest things ever and reaffirmed my faith in music? Even in comparison to their other stuff too. Not available on record though unfortunatey. Same label as Nadja whose albums are on vinyl. Dunno why they don't put it out as well.
  11. robitusson

    Recommend some DubStep

    Cool. The Bug rocks, as I said though not sure if it is actually this particular genre.
  12. robitusson

    Recommend some DubStep

    I got The Bug - London Zoo album and it was zehr gut. Not sure if it's Dub Step it? Anyway any other suggestions along these lines?
  13. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    /\ Don't mind if I do. Menace Ruine. Nice one! Love them. The Die Is Cast rocks like a mo-fo!!!
  14. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    Fuck dat, I'm MeTaL all the way. Only "low", not too bad
  15. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    Back to very low.
  16. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    Ahaa! Only "LOW" The Coop! Niiice.
  17. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    Very low again. Huh! ...and again. Oh well. Right. Last look. ..and VERY LOW again. Like the way they put it in big letters to let you know.
  18. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    Jayzus! I'll try another one.
  19. robitusson

    Anyone here use Lastfm?

    What are your names on lastfm then?