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  1. Grenouille

    This time of year....

    I saw So Cow last week for the first time. I was expecting a lad on a stool with an acoustic but he/they were very rockin! A pleasant surprise! .|..|
  2. Grenouille

    What Halloween will be like this year...

    I love the Ace Frehley guy.|..|
  3. Grenouille

    Maytes Birthday, Galway, Sunday

  4. Grenouille

    Maytes Birthday, Galway, Sunday

    No fear. They're made of thicker brickets than that!.|..| Is Al gone from Carosah for good?:confused:
  5. Grenouille

    Maytes Birthday, Galway, Sunday

    Is the secret band Exploded Face? I'll be heading into town for this at about half seven if anybody wants a lift on the crossbar? We could share a can of Tuborg on the way....
  6. Grenouille

    Loserdom in the Irish Times

  7. Grenouille

    CD trades/distro/all that jazz

    I actually wrote that myself.
  8. Grenouille

    CD trades/distro/all that jazz...

    I play in a band called Ghundi (myspace. com/ghundighundi) and I was wondering if any bands out there would like to trade demos/cds/records/zines for our EP? I'm trying to build up our distro a bit (and shift some of our CDs at the same time).... Get in touch if you fancy it. Galway bands, Irish...
  9. Grenouille

    CD trades/distro/all that jazz

    I play in a band called Ghundi (myspace. com/ghundighundi) and I was wondering if any bands out there would like to trade demos/cds/records/zines for our EP? I'm trying to build up our distro a bit (and shift some of our CDs at the same time).... Get in touch if you fancy it. Galway bands, Irish...
  10. Grenouille

    John Lydon's New Butter Advert...

  11. Grenouille

    Strike Anywhere + loads more 29/9/8 Galway

    Dan and Tom
  12. Grenouille

    come down to galway for gigs this week.

    "Ah yes my child, i remember the Great Drummer Exodus of 2008. Not a band was left standing....":eek:
  13. Grenouille

    Mob Rules/Crowd Control 7"

    Looking forward to it!.|..|
  14. Grenouille

    Class Destruction

    You're saying you're happy you ironed your handbag twice.... It's Dublin slang for something else....
  15. Grenouille

    new zine Unset #7

    I'll have them at The Gaf gig in Galway on Friday and Strike Anywhere in Club Cuba (Galway) on Monday... Text me, message me or seek me out! Closed Groove/Me Distro will 'ave some too!