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  1. pavlos

    2021 Virtual Mini Marathon / A Little Lifetime

    Job done. Fair play to her!
  2. pavlos

    Happy Birthday, pavlos

    Cheers Thumped! I hope that you too are having a good one.
  3. pavlos

    Recently Purchased

    Cheers - that's outstanding work!
  4. pavlos

    Recently Purchased

    That is superb. Have you a link to any of her other stuff, or was this just a one-off?
  5. pavlos

    any lego fans?

    That's nuts! Android version out in the autumn, I see.
  6. pavlos

    Major Pleasures

  7. pavlos

    You know you're getting old....

    Congratulations @jonah for all your good news! Great to hear.
  8. pavlos

    People Who Died

    I'm very sorry to hear that @Squiggle, condolences to you and your family.
  9. pavlos


    That's awful, poor Diddles, I'm very sorry to hear this. She seemed lovely from her posts on here. RIP.
  10. pavlos

    2020 albums worth a listen...

    These lads have it as well, and there's a good few (new) copies on Discogs, so you should be able to nab it handy enough!
  11. pavlos

    Happy Birthday, Unicron

    Happy birthday, @Unicron!
  12. pavlos

    Happy Birthday, shitepipe

    A belated happy birthday to you, @shitepipe - I hope you had a pleasant one.
  13. pavlos

    A Bandcamp Waiving Fees Day Thread

    Thanks for the reminder, had meant to pick this up and forgot about it. Sorted now!
  14. pavlos

    2020 albums worth a listen...

  15. pavlos

    2020 albums worth a listen...

    Just listening to the preview tracks on this, sounds excellent. Due out in March.
  16. pavlos

    Happy Birthday, moose

    Happy birthday to you, @moose!
  17. pavlos


    I think I'm going to have to dive in on this one... you've bought a good few of his archive ones, in fairness, am I right?
  18. pavlos

  19. pavlos

    Happy Christmas, everyone

    Happy Christmas to you too @pete and the rest of yis!
  20. pavlos

    Major Complaints Thread

    I'm so sorry to hear this, that's extremely rough. Make sure and mind yourself and try not to stress about it (easier said than done, I'm sure). A good excuse to take it a bit easier. All the very best to you!