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  • Before: Feb 17, 2005
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Asking for trouble!

    he cut me by throwing a card at me once....scary bastard
  2. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    if your taking the piss good joke....if not i wouldnt worry about it....he'll give away enough for free and loose about ten so he'll probably end up loosing money in the end as per usual.
  3. mc moley


    boss im tryin to make it look like they just cant come in a descret manner.....we dont want a bunch of fockin crusties showing up loike!?
  4. mc moley


    well erin ruth get a bundle of tickets and so do eoin and dylan and they're for the busses, so its not really 1st come etc. i think we should confir with the powers that be....
  5. mc moley

    Bike punx's's's

    i just use quick release wheels and lock em to my frame wit a u lock....but i might use my lock like once a month cuz ya dont need it in kilcoole, just in bray and the odd time for greystones.....i bet you's are thrilled with that information though huh?
  6. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    no not at all, tis funny. what are ya on about ross....was doug actually there...he stayed on a while again this time i think....another irish fling!
  7. mc moley

    Bike punx's's's

    that tis the one....but it'll be no good if its from a mountain bike cuz they're too thick it'll have to be a rader one...ill swap ya some spare parts of mine if ya want? i got a whole garage full of ripped up bikes that i get parts off, i just have the one racer though.
  8. mc moley

    Bike punx's's's

    if anyone is in town and at that would ya grab us a front derailer for a racer? i would love you like a puppy
  9. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    so has ross actually put copies of 4 and 5 in the shop yet?
  10. mc moley

    Bike punx's's's

    yeah ive been spinin around for the last 2 years on an off....but me derailers actin up and its old so im replacing it
  11. mc moley


    i thought it was invite cuz of the bus limitation ya know?
  12. mc moley

    Bike punx's's's

    i couldnt agree more!
  13. mc moley


    well ed shouldnt really be posting it cuz its 4 peoples 21st and kinda invite onlyish....its cuz he's a beardy cunt who thinks he's a townie....all that facial hair has gone to his head. he's the only boy in never never land with a beard!
  14. mc moley

    Bike punx's's's

    i see a car like once every five mins when i cycle! gotta love the country only theing thats gonna knock ya down is a drunk driver or a horse in the middle of the road(true story.) but yez should all be wearing yesser helmets....i know a kid who had a bad crash and his helmet saved his ass big...
  15. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    all this macho hardcore stuff has gotten to yer head weeler. although a good 'stomp' might be a bit of a laugh.....kinda like fights after school...they're fucking deadly unless yer in them.
  16. mc moley

    Saturday 5 Feb FOOD NOT BOMBS BENEFIT ALL AGES GIG!!! City Arts Centre

    yeah but i think the venue is free for hasko and then he just pays the travellers and the rest goes to the food being brought... i dunno maybe more people would go if its 3 in....i remember i got a bit of guff of a few heads when i made a gig a 5er when all the other ones were...
  17. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    well ya cant please em all can ya? hey damo and jill check yeser fone cuz im about to text ya about this little rendezvous. and goys i think your like totaly focking gr8t 2!! xox aaron
  18. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    firstly i'd love to say how much a cunt ross is. i spent like 2 months waiting for the prick to write me something for num 4 and then when he finally pulled it outta his ass i jet off to india and he goes an does one without me for reasons of spite. what a spa. num 6 will be out soon and written...
  19. mc moley

    crust band...

    some scottish crust band from glasgow, i think, got in touch with me today looking to book gigs in late march..... crust aint really my thing so i thought id post it up here to see if anybody's interested, seeing how i know yez all love yer noisy musik!! the thing is i cant fucking remember the...
  20. mc moley

    well whats the decorum?

    what are you on boy?