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  • Before: Feb 17, 2005
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    The Certain Death Vegan Cafe

    no 8 days! he seems to be coping well. this is next sunday right????
  2. mc moley

    The Certain Death Vegan Cafe

    go drink sum tea....wuss:p
  3. mc moley

    Saturday 5 Feb FOOD NOT BOMBS BENEFIT ALL AGES GIG!!! City Arts Centre

    yeah one of them was....but hes not in kelsey(who are amazing by the way. sound sort of like the killin spree in ways. they dont gig though, just writin a shit load of songs at the mo then they'll play around the place.)
  4. mc moley

    Free Recording Available!

    will it still be free in a few months time?
  5. mc moley

    The Certain Death Vegan Cafe

    damn right! ross and me'll look after the coffee and we'll bring karl and greg for the drink! you guys can keep karl and greg after they've had their drink though....them be two messy boys!:cool:
  6. mc moley


    kendo made me turn off that movie 'caligula' (i think its called that) he actually almost puked during that castration scene...good times!
  7. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    i didnt mean the whole parental thing as much of an insult at all cormy. and i didnt play the p.c. police card....i mentioned in my big post previously that it wasn't in reference to this issue but things in general.....i spent half of my time on this thing explaining my self to other people...
  8. mc moley

    Crimethinc pharmaceutical company opened up???

    your one to talk so i hear!!! :rolleyes: :D
  9. mc moley


    we all got wagons back from the party after the busses never showed up.
  10. mc moley


    much thank you!!! your great for the aul confidance boostin punk points lid!
  11. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    id like to comment on this WITHOUT relating it to the recent comments of rape and rather to the way things are within the scene and things like this site as a whole. i've always felt the need to do things right, just, fair...its a common theme within the music we listen to and our way of...
  12. mc moley


    someone just took another 2 off me...cop on yez are hurting my feelings!!!
  13. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    from my understanding.....the five string is plucking more than one string at a time like finger picking or what not. 4 strings i think are more for melodies or chords......i think????
  14. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    therefore i think its pointless 'calling' people on stuff like this cuz it just results in stupid internet debates. where people read or take things the wrong way.
  15. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    look dudes everyones gettin mighty serious all of a sudden.....i know corm quite well and i know he wasnt attackin me....nor was i giving out to him....i just think its really silly to start things like this (which is obviously gonna happen) by calling people on things that are rediculous. if ya...
  16. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    i aint givin out to ya....i just felt as though i was given out to for making a joke or what post before this wasnt agro, well i didnt mean for it to be.
  17. mc moley


    anyone else losin punk points over this yoke already!? some people!?
  18. mc moley


    most def
  19. mc moley


    slut is my new word....great for describing nice drinks and good food.....slutty: goes down easy!