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  • Before: Mar 31, 2009
  • Users: Scientician 0.8
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Scientician 0.8

    Anyone have any problems cancelling BT broadband?

    I was reading over in boards' broadband forum that they can be pricks about cancelling. I find it bizarre that they can get away with 'uncancelling' your direct debit etc. Anyone have any problems with them before?
  2. Scientician 0.8

    How do you delete a bebo band page without deleting your whole profile?

    My bebo band page is kinda pointless. I want to get rid of it but I can't see how to do it without completely deleting my profile.
  3. Scientician 0.8

    Swords heads, who was in the band Throwing Needles?

    I have a tape from the Swords Festival Battle of The Bands '97 with Throwing Needles, Tandem Felix, In Phase and Hollow Point. I can remember the other three bands but I don't recall Throwing Needles, Red Tape Audio or Avernus, can you remember them?
  4. Scientician 0.8

    American Akira (out 2011)

    YouTube - The American Akira (Coming 2011)
  5. Scientician 0.8

    What was the best summer you ever spent in Dublin?

    The winters are terrible. Bah. Anyway this was probably mine. YouTube - Summer in Dublin - Second Life
  6. Scientician 0.8

    Songs of World War One

    YouTube - Songs of WWI - part 1 of 3 YouTube - Songs of WWI - part 2 of 3 YouTube - Songs of WWI - part 3 of 3
  7. Scientician 0.8

    The all new hangover thread.

    Egad, no mercy, no escape. :confused::mad:!zed!ninjaaaa!ironyyy
  8. Scientician 0.8

    Is it true Frawley's is now a store for the fuller figured gent?

    Someone told me that. I need new duds and Godzilla's tailor is busy.
  9. Scientician 0.8

    Anyone going to that skanky ska night tonight?

    'cos I am. So do say hello if you see me. .|..|
  10. Scientician 0.8

    Mars Attacks!

    I didn't know they originated with a card set. The illustrations are class!
  11. Scientician 0.8

    The most amazing thing I have ever seen, ever. (I've led a quiet life)

    YouTube - quinnsworth tv ad 1984 Which is amazing but where did this footage come from? YouTube - show me those quinnsworth toys
  12. Scientician 0.8

    (Probably another) Andy Irvine Appreciation Thread.

    What a fucking legend. The man shits gold. Amazing voice and a great sense of history. Savage player too IMHO. YouTube - Andy Irvine - Never Tire of the Road YouTube - Andy Irvine - The Ballad of Tom Joad YouTube - The Blacksmith - Andy Irvine
  13. Scientician 0.8

    The Irish Potato Famine Hoax
  14. Scientician 0.8

    Is there an American food store in Dublin anywhere?

    There seem to be foodstores from all over the world in Dublin dese dayuz. I've never seen an American one. The better 'alf is hoping to move over soon and I'm wondering if I can purchase any of those good ole 'merkin products. I know that many of those products are produced here by Irish...
  15. Scientician 0.8


    Has anyone seen it yet? It looks interesting. Some interesting comment on it here.
  16. Scientician 0.8

    Recommend a semi-decent vocal mic for plugging into my computator.

    I bought a shit one for about a tenner in Dixons a while ago but I want one that will mask the deficiencies in my vocality. I would prefer not to spend over €100 but if there are really good ones in the €100-€150 range tell us about them. Thanks in advance. Live long agus prosper.
  17. Scientician 0.8

    Microsoft Office 2007

    *Pssst* Where do I get a keygen?
  18. Scientician 0.8

    All You Can Eat places

    I've never been to one in Dublin. I've been to one or two in Scotland and in the US. Are any of them here any good? I see a Jimmy Chung's opened up there recently on Eden Quay. I've had food from one of theirs in Scotland and it wasnae bad. €10.90 lunch they do apparently.
  19. Scientician 0.8

    Would you buy a gaff with this address?