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  • Before: Jul 19, 2010
  • Users: Gambra
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  1. Gambra

    Should local bands play for free?

    Nowhere in Limerick operates that system. Dolans and Bakers certainly don't. Isn't the system being advocated here the norm for pretty much every genre of music in Ireland apart from "alternative"? Like if a pub want a band (any band, as long as they're competent) to play on a Saturday they'll...
  2. Gambra

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    Holy. Shit. The other bands announced are the same as every other fucking ATP though.
  3. Gambra

    Should local bands play for free?

    Whenever I've put on gigs there's usually always been some cash to give to the support bands, usually around 50 quid to cover costs getting there or what have you. There was never a guarantee of anything (in case of major disasters) but we did our best to pay bands. The only major exception was...
  4. Gambra

    If a band can't exist exist without money, then the band shouln't exist.

    That thread was glorious. Killed off not one but two major posters for quite a while.
  5. Gambra

    Supersonic 2010

    Anyone got any other guesses as to who'll be playing this year? Godflesh are pretty much a lock. I'd like tosee a few of the better bands that are playing Hellfest to appear like Doom & Dillinger Escape Plan.
  6. Gambra

    Supersonic 2010

    There's loads of short term let apartments around the city that are great. We stayed in the Arc Apartments last and it was really really good. A few others that post here were there as well so they can agree/disagree. They're only about 10 mins walk from the venue too.
  7. Gambra

    Supersonic 2010

    Yeah it rained pretty heavily for most of the day the first year I went (when Mogwai headlined) and it wasn't that bad. There's one "outdoor" stage but it's covered over pretty much totally with a tent/marquee type thing.
  8. Gambra

    Robocop -he's back!!

    He's ready to take everyone on.
  9. Gambra

    Supersonic 2010

    To launch the 2010 edition of Birmingham’s acclaimed annual Supersonic Festival, Capsule are over the moon to announce that Michael Gira’s massively influential NYC band SWANS will headline this year’s festival, which takes place from 22 – 24 October 2010. Tickets are now on sale! Their...
  10. Gambra

    I have the horn for...

  11. Gambra

    Glen Hansard autographed ONCE DVD

    Is it the Rick James version of the Bible?
  12. Gambra

    Glen Hansard autographed ONCE DVD

    I'll pay you E20 for the photo of the director signing it and to destroy the disc.
  13. Gambra

    Comic Books

    And I just finished Vol. 5 of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World which is a little cheesy at times but there's enough nerdy jokes to keep me going and the central story line is pretty strong. It takes it's time to get through the story though..
  14. Gambra

    Concrete Sox August 2010

    That tour organiser must have been tearing his hair out for those three days.
  15. Gambra


    Come down to Limerick and "watch the match. I never really get the big deal about the whole thing to be honest..
  16. Gambra

    animated gif thread
  17. Gambra

    Siege Of Limerick (26 bands!) - This Sunday, April 4th, Bakers, Limerick

    The last Siege poster was the best when they had a lot of completely unreadable logos, trying to recognise the band name was great fun.
  18. Gambra

    Siege Of Limerick (26 bands!) - This Sunday, April 4th, Bakers, Limerick

    Stage times? You mad? It'll probably be a case of whenever bands can get on stage..
  19. Gambra

    Siege Of Limerick (26 bands!) - This Sunday, April 4th, Bakers, Limerick

    Punks an attitude maaaan. (I'm just hoping Janer comes in)
  20. Gambra

    Siege Of Limerick (26 bands!) - This Sunday, April 4th, Bakers, Limerick

    Pfft. Inclusion of Neifenbach & Seadog make it punk