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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    Fairytale of Kathmandu

    Quite aside from whether something is legal or not is it morally acceptable? Because he was in a position of power (he had money that these people desperately needed) he traded it for sexual favours (with some very young boys to be fair).
  2. timbot

    Fairytale of Kathmandu

    In relation to Ts Eliot, Roman Polanski, Michael Jackson and Gary Glitter. I think the impact on the critical appraisal of their works has not really been affected by the charges. TS Eliot was one of the towering figures of 20th century literature. Anti-Semitism or no his works merit...
  3. timbot

    Newstalk ad with John O'Shea (the Goal one)

    Well, if not corrupt I believe he has a habit of flying off the handle and causing trouble in the countries he is trying to help out in. So he can make the situation worse rather than better. I don't know though, I could easily stand to be corrected on this (second hand info from someone who...
  4. timbot

    BBC "White season"

    Yeah, it is an interesting idea. I bet the execution will be fluffed and will end up vaguely embarassing to all who watch it.
  5. timbot

    JCVD!!! Good interview with him in the Onion here. He is very likeable in interview.
  6. timbot

    Newstalk ad with John O'Shea (the Goal one)

    You know, one of the most uncomfortable moments in my professional life involved John O'Shea. The GOAL offices used to be located next door to a financial institution. One day he passed by the window and many very wealthy men began joking about him and his work. I really wished the ground...
  7. timbot

    Fairytale of Kathmandu

    Yeah, I would agree. I wouldn't take him off the leaving because of his activities. Although teachers will probably avoid him because the controversy he brings will distract from teaching his work. One of the greatest contributors to the OED was a...
  8. timbot

    Can ye recommend some Tom Waits albums?

    Actually, if you want a good starting point the live album Big Time is pretty great. It has some of the weirder stuff (his reading of Rain Dogs is amazing) but also some of the sweeter stuff (a great version of Ruby's Arms and Train Song included). Brilliant, brilliant!
  9. timbot

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Been working my way through Arrested Development for the umpteenth time. Splitting my sides along the way...
  10. timbot

    Shit Books

  11. timbot

    Shit Books

    3 answers are given by a physicist, a mathematician and an economist. The physicist suggest going to one end of the supermarket and walking along by the cash register scanning either side as you walk. The mathematician suggests that staying put is the best option if your friend is moving...
  12. timbot

    Shit Books

    New Scientist collection of questions people write in with like "If I am lost in a shopping centre what is the quickest way to find the person I am with - staying still or wandering around?". Each answer is about a page long - perfect. My aunt has a library in her loo.
  13. timbot


    Tis no less than I would expect from the man who got the millionth post...
  14. timbot

    Science/Fantasy fiction bukes

    I just finished reading the series this is part of (The Book of the New Sun). It is fantastic. I dont know how I have been reading sci-fi for years and never come across him. Really great. Anyone get into Gene Wolfe obsessively? There is an awful lot of work to be done to understand...
  15. timbot


    I dont know - is that not restricting the argument to say "Metal is shite - except for these couple of bands that are doing something interesting, but they're not really metal". If SOAD's first album is not metal I am not sure what it is...
  16. timbot


    Hahaha, I am only getting back to this post late. Sorry. I would definetly not know enough about either genre (metal/punk) to weigh in but I do like bands from both scenes. A good riff is a good riff. But I was wondering how people in either community felt about an attempt at a crossover.
  17. timbot


    I like both. And what about metalcore? How do people feel about that? Or Black Flag pre/post My War?
  18. timbot

    your favourite band.....ever?

    Can I pick Aphex Twin? If it has to be a band maybe Godspeed You! Black Emperor
  19. timbot

    90s bands with really good first 2 albums...

    I don't get it - does the band have to have been around and broken up in the 90s or just released 2 really good albums in the 90s and then bad ones? Anyway, if it is the latter then Deftones.
  20. timbot

    Does anyone save or back up their music collection?

    Yeah, tis good sense. Burn onto DVD and make copies of the DVDs for your friends so in a total disaster recovery situation you should be able to grab most of it. Unless the aliens land. But then we are all in trouble...