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  • Before: Apr 2, 2008
  • Users: timbot
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  1. timbot

    dave mcsavage = new levels of cuntage prevails

    Great use of the vernacular!
  2. timbot

    dave mcsavage = new levels of cuntage prevails

    So is he properly mentally ill or just a prick or what? And who keeps telling him that he is funny? His ma? Surely he knows better than that at this stage...
  3. timbot is so flipping crap

    Oh, thats not funny, that sounds awful!
  4. timbot

    dave mcsavage = new levels of cuntage prevails

    Whoever posted mcbuttravage to the tags own up so I can rep you. Started laughing my ass off in work.
  5. timbot

    dave mcsavage = new levels of cuntage prevails Yup Not the first time he has shown this levely of cuntery either... At least two people got up and left when McSavage was in full flow with what I would call racist remarks."...
  6. timbot

    do any bands make you feel physically sick?

    Not music, but there is a certain shade of pink that makes me vomit instantly. It was the colour of a crayon when I was in playschool and the woman who ran the place had to remove it from all the crayon packs that were bought to the school. Even the thought of it recently almost made me spew...
  7. timbot

    How many sold to make a NUMBER ONE HIT?

    Yeah, that is right, but once the shops are chosen at random the scanner stays in that shop for a while. There was one in Plug'd in Cork for a while, god knows what stuff got wracked up there. I know of at least one band that "encouraged" their album to #1 a few years ago by getting a bunch of...
  8. timbot

    dave mcsavage = new levels of cuntage prevails

    Woud you say you haven't a linkling? Maybe I should have posted that on the Flann thread.
  9. timbot

    Flann O'Brien Memorial Thread

    Moose Malone was a wide man, but no wider than a beer truck, oh wait, wrong author... " The other day I had a word to say about the necessity for the professional book-handler, a person who will maul the books of illiterate, but wealthy, upstarts so that the books will look as if they have been...
  10. timbot

    Why piracy isn't such a bad thing for music

    Well, the big problem I would have is that the issue of quality of music arises. 500 hours of Mariah Carey's back catalog doesn't mean a hell of a lot to me.
  11. timbot

    Why piracy isn't such a bad thing for music

    Is this a serious suggestion? It can't see how it would ever, ever work?
  12. timbot

    Why piracy isn't such a bad thing for music

    How many do you want?
  13. timbot

    New Arrival

  14. timbot

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Tristam Shandy - very funny, very clever. I dont know how to describe it in a way...
  15. timbot

    Why do you always feel more tired when you don't drink?

    I sometimes put it down to booze being relaxing as well so the sleep you get is pretty good. Unless you have the fear of course
  16. timbot


    That is class!!!! Like Big Brother except with interesting people and a point!!
  17. timbot

    The Real Exorcist

    timbot doesn't live here anymore...
  18. timbot

    Parents who dont let couples sleep in the same bed..

    Hahaha, well, except for the Pamela Anderson thing I would agree. Their house, their rules. You probably wouldnt be delighted if they were riding away in your house some night they came to stay either...
  19. timbot

    On The Road

    Thats pretty cool, was he still all there after so many years of acid abuse? Yeah, the Pranksters, the Beats and the Hells Angels all descended on the mountain for 4 days of acid and partying with the Dead providing the choons...
  20. timbot

    On The Road

    Yeah, Kool Aid is brilliant and Wolfe only got better. There is a party that Ken Kesey threw that Ginsberg, Wolfe, Kesey and Hunter S Thompson all wrote about after. I think that is pretty cool.