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  • Before: Mar 1, 2007
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    Sociable Cooking

    my mam threw out the deep fat frier when oven chips were invented. i may grab eoddy gorillz and come to this!
  2. R

    decent hairdressers in dublin?

    some salons do be looking for models. peter mark on o'connell st do a colour demo on a certain day. its probably worth checkin out.
  3. R

    Biscuits, lovely biscuits.

    2 for 1 at tescos right now!! but shaney i think the toffee ones are the nicest cuz when you dip them in tea they suddenly change texture to something heavenly and chewy. I can't describe it.
  4. R

    Kirstie your opinion please-

    or the body of an 8 year old boy...
  5. R

    Pan's Labyrinth

    man i totally cried. here's me
  6. R

    Quotes from your child

    ;) totally kidding. love kids.
  7. R

    Quotes from your child

    this thread is sickening. ugh
  8. R

    How much do you pay your babysitters?

    i guess we just live in retiring home villages that and I very much doubt any sane person would leave their offspring with us...
  9. R

    Stepping out with someone from your workplace

    one time i went to the cinema with a boy and ten of his friends text him "drop the hand". :rolleyes: naturally i had to take the initative... can't imagine ever going out with anyone at school. i'm ancient, but in years of mould, not maturity.
  10. R

    Children on TV you want to sort out

    rosie and sophie. "resssy, sephhhie, go wawsh your hands!" says sally one million times. funny how while watchin corrie at my nans all forty relatives there turned around and laughed at me when one of them became a got vegetarian wiccan having sex on a tombstone.
  11. R

    How much do you pay your babysitters?

    last year i remember girls in my class getting 100 quid for an all nighter. thats ridiculous amount of money...
  12. R

    hash wednesday

    those mad mad catholics. smoke and fly you guys! .|..|
  13. R

    Totally Stoked - World Tour

    sean asked us, swing youth, to play but i haven't been able to get in touch. we are now able to play if ye'll still have us. emm... someone please pass on the message? let me know what the story is
  14. R

    cheap knock off cans

    flaming mongrels! what a cheap knock off of my thread
  15. R

    cheap knock off cons

    oh i don't mind a big stupid heart! im spraypainting them chrome
  16. R

    cheap knock off cons

    does anyone know where i can get some cheap plain white hightops? internet or shops thanks. i noticed pennies were doing real nice cons there recently with ribbons and shit. or better still, white high tops that aren't sweat shop laboured.
  17. R

    The Deadly Serious Tampon Thread -- No Jokes Please, We're Women

    *pulls at collar* my ex's autistic brother ate the leaflet...
  18. R

    The Deadly Serious Tampon Thread -- No Jokes Please, We're Women

    the mooncups made of silicon??
  19. R

    The Deadly Serious Tampon Thread -- No Jokes Please, We're Women

    its probably just because your vagina is drying out towards the end and has less lube for pulling it in and out. carry around a small tub of vaseline or ky. :)
  20. R

    Adebisi Shank/Complan/Lungs/Secret Act - Feb 16th

    i do believe mick is from the very uppermost part of wicklow, touching the y axis, containing the mid points (-4,0) but i dunno what the slope is cuz he signed out of msn.