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  • Before: Jan 6, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    Comically bad service

    yeh but you're supporting garlic hating pro lifers...
  2. R

    Fire twirling punks take note

    can i have the loan of this?
  3. R

    Victory Strikes Again

    if by play you mean pump and dollys you mean my premium crotch beef, shyeh. none of yee got shit on my da. :heart: :heart::heart::heart::heart:
  4. R

    Victory Strikes Again

    uh well i burnt out like 5 cars, stole a kinder suprise and i have a huge penis
  5. R

    the worst tattoos ever

    she was probably a pioneer and was well impressed
  6. R

    holy hell! rep has disappeared

    ahahaha so it WAS weeler who was derepping me all along. i'm so shocked. what a brave guy
  7. R

    Victory Strikes Again

    won bingo in irish today. i get a bag of eclairs next tuesday. rock the fuck! BINGÓ!! SEASCA A NAOI! COISIR CRUA, LADS
  8. R

    Jamie Grimes Birthday gig this Thursday Lower Deck

    hahahahaha shame you arent this funny when im holding back your hair during vomit hour at the voodoo ;)
  9. R

    Jamie Grimes Birthday gig this Thursday Lower Deck

    goddamn my lack of mammillary features, i only got all the werst bits of puberty. now i'll never be the teen boys wet dream. woe!!!!!!
  10. R

    if you could have sex with one person on thumped who would it be?

    me and ernesto the other day. right before he dropped the hand.
  11. R

    if you could have sex with one person on thumped who would it be?

    how come no ones mentioned me and rois yet?
  12. R

    Jamie Grimes Birthday gig this Thursday Lower Deck

    I'm just going to draw cleavage on my chest to represent every token female in that lame piss rag :) let the derepping begin. bring it on fuckers!!!
  13. R

    Cool things that you've lost through drunkness

    meanwhile a refugee begins as new life as Roisin Murphy...
  14. R

    Cool things that you've lost through drunkness

    i went out with a scatterbrain who didn't even need booze to loose my shit. the amount of books, videos, records that he wrecked. he really didn't give a shit. it took me ages to see what a complete tool he was. an expensive lesson to learn i guess. while im no neat freak or anything, it's a...
  15. R

    Ladies - recent shoe purchases

    The t-straps are really nice. I think im a little obsessed with jazz/tap shoes, like the ones Audrey wears in Twin Peaks. sorta like these except way sexier is there a dance shoes shop in town? I was thinking of getting propper ballet flats cos my feet are too narrow and long for the normal kind.
  16. R

    Quotes from your child

    this isnt a quote nor do i have kids, but i love when they mean well and do funny things like when my mam counts schools trocaire box money and finds loads of mouldy chocolate buttons and toys in them. rugrats... now thats a program that was spot on!
  17. R

    Auktion Belfast

    are they playing town at all? (sorry if there was a thread bla bla bla)
  18. R

    Jaysus cycling!

    I want to cycle to school. its about 8km away which is nothing, on flat land. steep hills and windy roads and people driving too fast and 5 stone schoolbag, its all a little scary. im gonna try and give it a go on saturday, fo real.