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  • Before: Jan 6, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    Drainland/Divisions Ruin/Jenny & the Deadites/Putrefaction/Carosah LowerDeck July 26

    Re: Drainland/Divisions Ruin/Jenny & the Deadites/Putrefaction/Carosah LowerDeck July carosah are also a deadly band out of kilcoole... al's singin with them now.
  2. R

    Public transport etiquette

    I think my ultimate nightmare situation is seeing someone being harassed on the bus or train and being completely helpless. UGH.
  3. R

    DEVO play Vicar Street June 21!!!!!!!

    annnnd i almost forgot: IT WAS INCREDIBLE, WOW
  4. R

    DEVO play Vicar Street June 21!!!!!!!

    you might have been wrestling me for that. well when i got the suit i gave it to my friend martin who is the biggest devo fan i know .|..| me: so yeh im going to devo tonight friend: YOU WHAT? IL DIVO? x 10, 000 times
  5. R

    Punk Rock Lookalikes

    lyncher = the lead in apocalypto in fact the whole cast is a role call of all the dublin crusties...
  6. R


    i grow peas every year. its the only thing i can do well. we're clearing out a friends garden and its absolutely riddled with thorns on account of years of neglect. we've cut them all down but already they're growing back. especially in the piles of the weeds. how does one get a bonfire...
  7. R

    Whatever Happened to Billy Roll?

    its made of waste chicken and ham. its growse
  8. R


    there's a boy in my class who is a monarchist unionist protestant. he's a gem.
  9. R

    how the fuck did I get here???

    er that was 2005 mate...
  10. R

    The trauma of pics as you as an akward teenager

    but yes, christ, so hideous. especially the eyeliner years
  11. R

    The trauma of pics as you as an akward teenager

    Its insane the difference a hair straightener makes. These days no one has bad hair. back in 6th class i hadn't grown into my eyebrows, had the yellowist shiniest face and mushroom frizzy shite brown hair. i'm still gangly. except now i have a wider vocab and would say that i am actually...
  12. R

    inexplicable fascination with lindsey lohan.

    she should divorce her ma. seriously
  13. R

    What movie did you watch last night?

    apocalypto. good to see the crusties getting work. :) everything and everybody looked amazing
  14. R

    New Seomra

    he looks like a preppy boy in john hughes films. good work nooly
  15. R

    Driving the countryside

    i nearly vomitted today when i got a lift from a boy in my class. he's not boy racer, he drives fairly confidendly but he was going too fast in all these windy country lanes in the black hole area of wicklow (roundwood) and he kept taking both hands of the steering wheel. oh jesus. so has...
  16. R

    Driving the countryside

    i totalled the car last week. hurray for the country roads! although it was more me mixing up brake and accelorate ...
  17. R

    how the fuck did I get here???

    sean, i am always waking up and seeing
  18. R


    you can get it in most health food shops and georges st arcade. tastes good marinated in a sweet chilli-ish style sauce and put on the bbq. put it on squewers (i have no idea how you spell it) with peppers, courgettes, aubergine, tomato, etc. yuuuuum
  19. R


    he's 2007's justin hawkins... who's justin hawkins? did he have a theory on black holes? :confused:
  20. R

    Comically bad service

    argh too tired to edit this post right