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  • Before: Jan 6, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    Where is Mercer Street?

    he abolished christmas like.
  2. R

    For all chickpea fiends

    5. "all about tapas" supervalue 4. old mac donalds 3. tesco normal 2. marks n sparks red pepper 1. aldi coriander and lemon
  3. R

    The Mooncup Thread...

    I honestly thought the same but i know now unless i relax its like trying to force feed a baby who's mouth is stubbornly shut.
  4. R

    The Mooncup Thread...

    yeh hahaha his reaction was amazing. TMI time: I wouldn't cut the stem off right away. you might get used to it. i find in the mornings its travelled up pretty far and it'd take loads of jumping jacks and fishing around to come back down. thats just me though. but is it really necessary to...
  5. R

    The Mooncup Thread...

    i got roisin one. 20 giggles and screams later, it was in.
  6. R

    The Twin Peaks Thread

    oh my god so true. he's a terrible actor, and has a monotone voice. also if he loved your one why did he runaway and kiss that blonde crooked face?
  7. R


    danger joints .|..|
  8. R

    New old fashioned friday rep thread

    sure this is it
  9. R

    New old fashioned friday rep thread

    someone derepped me on the ungdomshuset thread for a token ah shockin response. naturally anonymous. i'llkillya. but rep for everyone else! luv yiz
  10. R

    Michael McDowell is right....

    yeh useless tagging looks awful. there's a shite one in wicklow called 2pac.
  11. R

    Michael McDowell is right....

    is he still trying to ban the sale of spray cans to under 18s? jesus h, what a deranged man. reminds me once when i was watching some friends wheat pasting a picture on a wall and this middle aged cunt on his flash bike (decided to park the SUV in rathmines that day) came up and started...
  12. R

    Cute musician couples

    no i am happy for her finding tru-luv but i just find it weird that she digs marraige.
  13. R


    hey im always nearly dying with the hunger at school and i was wondering if you's had any ideas what a veggie spice lover could bring to school, what would keep well for a few hours in a non fridge environment and will keep me going till dinner time? im tired of my yucky 'slaw baps.
  14. R

    Cute musician couples

    ...fucking married. god. first the oc soundtrack, then supporting peta, now this. she's come along way from bikini kill,julie ruin, writing deadly essays and zines. show her this thread *anger* are we all destined to become ridicously uncool when we're older..? civil servants needn't answer that
  15. R

    Smash instant stuff...

    hoooooooold on a minute, you were 17 and a scout? thats crazy! was it good? i thought that was completely unheard of until i discovered a guy in my class was and who is also a big christian. On his myspace his pastimes include "reading the bible". sadly i didn't know this when i met him and did...
  16. R

    X Ray specs

    my internets too slow for youtube, thats gas tho! they seem to leave that out of the bios i read. i guess its to maintain her punk image. she does however have one of my favourite punk singing voices ever. anyone know what lora logic is doing with herself these days?
  17. R

    hb cornetto

    i can't imagine that being nice, i thought lemon curdles milk and the two just don't get on well together. ah sure. as for eating ice cream in march... well ireland is one of the top ice cream eating countries in europe so clearly it ice cream eating isn't necessarily a weather thing! oh and...
  18. R

    X Ray specs

    i can't believe she became a har krishna. mental mental mental
  19. R

    Ungdomshuset Evicted

    fucking hell! this sounds absolutely nuts. how long do you's think it'll go on for?
  20. R

    Pop Tarts

    sooo good. haven't had them since i went veg tho. always wondered why they put gellatine in them. sure it's just a bit of jam!