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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    People Who Died

    This shoulda got more love
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    bad reviews

    Perhaps it is me who is the joyless shite. I still hate this kind of writing though...I regret having read it, except in that it did get the blood circulating a bit.
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    bad reviews

  4. Burgerbarbaby

    bad reviews

    Joyless shite masquerading as journalism. Get out and go for a walk, Pitchfork. And have a think about your life choices. No stars.
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    Getting more emotional as you age

    Could be a case of this: Stendhal syndrome - Wikipedia
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Best deadline music?

    You're goddamned right. GodDAMMNED RIGHT.
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Best deadline music?

    That Cavernlight thing seems pretty good too, just getting around to it now. it's very much in the spirit of how it feels to be in a deadline situation.
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Best deadline music?

    Thanks everyone!!! Most amusing, sir. Of all the responses, only that drum & bass one got close to the deranged franticness (franticity?) I was trying to echo...anyway the deadline panic lasted days, so I got plenty of mileage out of those tunes. Anthrax, The Donnas, Glenn Gould, all very...
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Best deadline music?

    When you have to get something done super-fast, what do you listen to?
  10. Burgerbarbaby


    I kinda hate Steve Shelley's drumming. I liked it back in the day...he was always belting live. But I don't think much of his approach any more. That was another major reason I didn't go in the end...very cool to hear that he did a good job though. The most important part of the book will be the...
  11. Burgerbarbaby


    Ah! You made it! Deadly! I don't know Tomaga, will have to check them out. I like Schmidt's stuff, but without Jaki I didn't see the need. Would love to have seen Mooney was he?
  12. Burgerbarbaby


    Hey pop-pickers... Just in case any of you are interested, I'm involved in a new book about the work of Jaki Liebezeit, to be published by Unbound, hopefully towards the end of the year. It's going to be a bit of a treasure-trove for the Can fan in your life. Its a crowd-funded thing, which...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor Pleasures

    Katie Hopkins
  14. Burgerbarbaby


    I was just looking at the video of NYC in the bored at work thread, thinking about my time there in 2001 and how different my take on that video is from what it would have been then. And twitter the last few days...Katie Hopkins etc etc. Why are people like her trying to turn "the West" into a...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    [May 27, 2017] Damo Suzuki (Can) w/ Math + Math = Maths & Afterwardness (Dublin)

    Yes. I second this excellent question. Totes does make a difference for me!
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    So how do I translate these 7 gold star winner rating things into cash money?
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    Thanks Thumped! One thing I noticed, I had a couple of instances of ebay open for the last few minutes of the auction, an ipad and a laptop. The time counter on each was different. They were very weirdly out...between 2 seconds and 7 seconds. 2 seconds right at the end. I guess this could...
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    It's a version of this. The band leader is a guy called Gerhard Hoffmann. It may be this guy, who is amazing...
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    That was UNBELIEVABLE! No action until the last second then it went off the chart. I definitely did the right thing. I kinda had to have it so I put on a slightly mad maximum bid. It went close enough to it in the end... €123.55. It's the most expensive record I will ever want to buy, I think...
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    Ebay Postage

    I upped my maximum bid this far no bidding war, or even new bids at all. I slightly fear immiment disaster of some sort though. Will report back at the appointed hour.