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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    Not much of a Midlake fan at all at all, but here are some Tim Smiths I DO get:
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    I agree with @Cornu Ammonis that more artists should develop rigorous critical faculties in relation to their own work...they'd have thicker skins. It's sometimes impossibly hard to be critical inside a band/other creative situation, never mind on an anonymous public forum where you haven't...
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Tell me a joke thread

    Can't seem to link to this for some reason, but the best joke is Norm MacDonald's Moth Joke.
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Local Heroes

    Another local hero...Stoneybatter's finest. Best Christmas song ever.
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    what's with folk releasing stuff on cassette?

    My mother had a Cat Stevens compilation - a genuine release - which was a chrome cassette with all the songs on one side, and blank on the other. I filled up the blank side with Sabbat and Motorhead. Kinda got into Cat Stevens as a result of trying to avoid the tedium of rewinding. Also, @mark...
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Local Heroes

    Good job! I think it's ok that there's a procedure on Discogs...isn't it a bit like wikipedia? Like if you could just put anything up without someone checking it would be open to all sorts of inaccuracy? It does look like a pain in the arse but it seems to me that the oversight is necessary in...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    Local Heroes

    It's one of the very few bits of music which I've been involved in which I'm unreservedly proud of.
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Local Heroes Maybe I'm getting hung up on the word "heroes" in the thread title, but nevertheless, here goes... This is Gavin Prior and Diumraid (of these parts) and myself. D's track record is well established...
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Local Heroes

    I have seen them a little on the abrasive side, for sure! Somehow as a punter, that was part of the crack
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Local Heroes

    Yeah, but there's a story behind one's "Local hero"! Good "local" music really began for me when I came to Dubling first. Read an interview with Wormhole in Dublin Event Guide, back in 94. Dave, the drummer, said about his drums, something like "I don't know how to play them, but I love them"...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss isn't anything like the links I posted! It's more like what someone who thought they were a good idea would do. If he or she had no taste and infinite contempt for their customers :) Those articles and the youtube link are actually pretty great...
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    The Soundtrack of Your Life - The New Yorker Elevator Going Down: The Story Of Muzak | Red Bull Music Academy
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    Monday morning!
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    You're both right, of course, and that does make a difference. What often happens to me is that I'm streaming some documentary when I get in there, head down to the back for the bread or the frozen stuff, and lose reception, cue instant and unpleasant exposure. Gah!
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    Yeah, so back to the real reason for the thread: I actually find the music in there fascinating. It's completely unhinged. It's joyless and grinding. How does it manage to be so bad? I've been in plenty of controlled environments, but this is the soon as I feel myself reacting angrily...
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    The music thing bothers me I suppose because it looks to me like half-arsed MBA strategising, without any real quality thinking or imagination. It's cold industrial conveyor-belt shopping. It's not cheap, the service is mostly rotten, and now the environment has deteriorated appreciably. Spar...
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    Aye, a few months ago I did ask one of the employees about it, he said he had to make a conscious effort to ignore the playlist. It must be a bit miserable. It dominates the whole space. The manager looks as if he loves it.
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    Fucks sake! Ha ha ha :) no, but there are times when I come home from work and don't want to traipse across town for the Lidl one. So. Can we just accept that there are times when one might occasionally - for perfectly valid reasons - find oneself stuck in a Spar for long enough to notice that...
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    Example: buying a bottle of olive oil. Takes me five minutes to work out whether the 100% extra free one is the cheapest, or the equally big but not-100%-free one or a combination of two smaller bottles. This changes all the time, and needs to be worked out. Also, similarly, working out whether...
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    Music in Spar nowadays is shit...discuss

    I could put this in the Minor Complaints thread, because that's kind of what it is, but I thought it might be worth a thread of its own...The music policy in Spar changed a few months ago. Whereas it used to be some crappy Dublin radio station, which was fine, it's now playlists of Muzak type...