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  • Users: Dixer
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  1. Dixer

    Mac P**n

    Holy shit bro, you editing professionally? I'm still rockin' a 17" G4 PB, 1 gig ram, 60 GB internal, 250 ext. Nerdiest thread ever btw. Whoever said that thing about now understanding why mac heads are hated, yeah, i agree.
  2. Dixer

    Shaving your underarms

    Can someone photoshop me up a 'Skobe 4 Life' tattoo? 'preciate it.
  3. Dixer

    Shaving your underarms

    I got some dirt on my shoulder (could you brush it off fo'me?)
  4. Dixer

    Shaving your underarms

    Make it hap'n cap'n.
  5. Dixer

    Shaving your underarms

    Fuck yeah yo! I thought so too. I'm sure you were fly n'all.
  6. Dixer

    Shaving your underarms

    Y'takin' the piss? That was me y'cunt.
  7. Dixer

    Shaving your underarms

    Can we start a 'Whats happened to Irish Scobes?" thread? A lament for the loss of scobehood.
  8. Dixer

    Shaving your underarms

    You didn't notice? We've been transformed into a tribe of metrosexual male haridressers solely into discussing property portfolios for whom economic excess has rendered the deeply frivolous into a valid lifestyle choice. Thought it was obvious.
  9. Dixer

    el p tonight.

    'cept for taunting us with his orange shirt.
  10. Dixer

    DROOOOL-final cut studio 2!!

    Open format timeline apparently. Mix codecs, framerates, even PAL/NTSC on a single timeline. Pretty impressive.
  11. Dixer

    Trace embedded video.

    Anybody know a way to trace a site which has apparently embedded a video hosted on google video? I'm getting hits labelled as being from an embed and am curious to see who's doing it. Thanks. Its cool, I think this'll do it:
  12. Dixer

    el p tonight.

    'Splains the time thing, my bad. Actually did he go on much past Tuned Mass Damper? I had to make like a tree at that stage. Edan last year. Best shit ever.
  13. Dixer

    el p tonight.

    Good show. Hadn't listened to Company Flow/Fantastic Damage stuff in a long time but it sounded great. rampz, just curious but how in jayzis name did you post on this at 11.07 when the show was still on when I left at ten past? You be rockin' a blueberry or some such? Not that it matters, just...
  14. Dixer

    Sam Fuller

    Good man! I had no idea that had been given the DVD treatment, just presumed it hadn't. Though obviously I hadn't looked too hard. Buiochas.
  15. Dixer

    Sam Fuller

    Yeah, you should. Its a smart film. On Fuller, anybody by any chance ever seen or know where one might find Tigrero?
  16. Dixer

    Punishment Park

    Its fuckin' amazing. Eureka put out a sweet edition last year sometime I think. Actually I say its amazing but I've got a soft spot for Watkins. Culloden and The War Game, fuckin amazing, probably better than PP. You should read up on him if you haven't before, his media statements etc...
  17. Dixer

    Sam Fuller

    There's a cool French Documentary on him when he was editing BR1. It's on some of the DVD's. Probably South Street. Excellent flick too.
  18. Dixer


    Was he not the one that blew the airlock? Don't recall him referring to himself as cap'n of the Icarus 1 but whatevers. The sun was cool. Yeah, didn't get that reltionship either. Why would he volunteer Capa like that? Genereally in agreeance re: 3rd act tomfoolery. I think it seemd too...
  19. Dixer

    the wire season 3 dvd

    Good show, Lt Daniels shows up too. Actually a lot of the wire peops do. Fckin Gary in that show is great.
  20. Dixer

    Electric Picnic 2007 thread

    If I played guitar I'd be Jimmy Paaaage Coz the girlies I like are under aaaage. (Check it!)