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  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Random Photos

  2. sarah

    I have the horn for...

    She looks like she's paralysed from the waist down and holding her limp lifeless limbs in that position. verrry sexy indeed!
  3. sarah

    The Lovely Bones

    the book was aaamazingly trashy all-right.
  4. sarah

    Day Trips

    Glencar waterfall in sligo, goigeous parents always used to drive up that way, very nice picnic spot. i too was wondering about day trips outside of Dublin. Drove to Brittas bay which was Lovely.
  5. sarah

    Zu, Ten Past Seven & Bats (sept 29)

  6. sarah

    i like...

    Also this guy Seem to be on a bit of a grotesque buzz at the mo Ah I like nearly all of his check em out.
  7. sarah

    i like... This guys photos on butchers in mexico, just so cool
  8. sarah

    Staying friends with an ex

    I reckon you can still stay friendly with them, but heading out to parties together or even the pub, isn't possible for a while. reckon both need to hook up with others and be at a couple of relationship removes, before you can start doing hanging out in pubs and at parties and stuff, without...
  9. sarah

    Meeting People

    I can't help but agree
  10. sarah

    Random Photos

  11. sarah

    Happy Birthday to Shorty on 30th June 2009

    Happy birthday Shorty!
  12. sarah

    10th Box Social, Mini fest - Saturday 27 of June

    This was great! thanks a million..|..|
  13. sarah

    Thumped Freecycle

    That reminded me, I have these bad boys to give away... bit dusty but fine, I found they chafe a bit but might be cause they're a bit big.,-size-4,-CCM,-Pro-500_W0QQitemZ160343977266QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090623?IMSfp=TL090623153006r26184 It says size 9 on...
  14. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

    I try :)
  15. sarah

    Photos of your Pets

    Oldy but goody.
  16. sarah

    Best way to lose a beer belly...

    Could it have something to do with people's natural demeanor? I have friends, anyone remember John from Blackfort Gallery? that guy was a total ball of energy, his brain was always going a mile a minute, I have a few friends like that... they have to be burning more energy being that manic all...
  17. sarah

    Bike stolen

    That sucks!
  18. sarah

    Disposable cameras

    Anyone use these regularly? any particular ones that are better than others: is there much difference? Thinking that these are the best choice for festival going, shooting film might cut down my drunken tendency to photograph every minute of every happening ending up with lots of pictures of...
  19. sarah

    What movie did you watch last night?

    ...what it was about. it is probably the worst pile of crap I have ever seen, my sick need to finish what I have started watching, meant the most agonising hour and change of my life. I officially despise Seth Rogan and his stupid Muppet Bear voice and stupid head and stupid dope themed movies...
  20. sarah

    good stuff for veggie bbq.

    Those things are great, gonna try that out asap. only cost about a 80 cent for a bag. I got em in Longford, but Im sure the dublin shops should have em too. my mams boyfriend stuffs them with cheese and coats in breadcrumbs then frys up, very versatile!