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  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    Free range/organic chicken wings

    My friend bought a load of organic meat of some animal (can't remember what one) but anyway he said it was good value and good quality he used to be a chef, so I guess he knows what he's on about. Anyway it was one of the butchers on wexford st. bet they'd be miles cheaper than fallon and byrne's.
  2. sarah

    Zu & Rest - Cyprus Avenue (Cork)

  3. sarah

    One Month Berlin Apartment

    also try these guys, they have an english option... think I may have used them before but not quite sure
  4. sarah

    One Month Berlin Apartment

    I can give you bitches a hand reading those sites what with my rapih german skills and such, pm me if you want some help. Wirklich mein Deutsch is ja affengeil!