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  • Before: Jul 16, 2017
  • Users: pete
  • With People Who Died thread
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  1. pete

    People Who Died

    I used to love that show.
  2. pete

    People Who Died

    Eugene Cernan Eugene Cernan, last man on the moon, dies -
  3. pete

    People Who Died

  4. pete

    People Who Died

    Singer-songwriter Peter Sarstedt dies aged 75
  5. pete

    People Who Died

    Shane MacGowan’s mother Therese (87) killed in crash
  6. pete

    People Who Died

    M*A*S*H star William Christopher dies - BBC News
  7. pete

    People Who Died

    well fuck that anyway meanwhile ‘Watership Down’ author Richard Adams dies aged 96
  8. pete

    People Who Died

    Liz Smith, The Royle Family actor, dies aged 95
  9. pete

    People Who Died

    BBC NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Game show viewer helps IVF couple
  10. pete

    People Who Died

    George Michael
  11. pete

    People Who Died

    Henry Heimlich. They say he invented the Heimlich Maneuver, but i'm finding that a bit hard to swallow.
  12. pete

    People Who Died

    Didn't realise he was only in three episodes of Porridge.... not that I knew that was him in GoT either.
  13. pete

    People Who Died

    Andrew Sachs
  14. pete

    People Who Died

  15. pete

    People Who Died

    44? That's rough.
  16. pete

    People Who Died

  17. pete

    People Who Died

    Leonard Cohen
  18. pete

    People Who Died

    Janet Reno Janet Reno, former US attorney general, dies -
  19. pete

    People Who Died

    a personal favourite The Beast
  20. pete

    People Who Died

    Hilda Ogden Beloved Coronation Street actress Jean Alexander who played Hilda Ogden has died