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  • Users: dAndAn
  • Content: Threads
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  1. dAndAn

    Round the Bend

    The 100 greatest cartoons thread has me reminiscing.... Funny funny shit
  2. dAndAn

    Deadly DIPLO promo film

    I wish my school discos were like that. Warning - There are lots of boobs in this about half way through........nice ones as well.
  3. dAndAn

    suggestions for shops thomas bangalter can visit while in dublin

    Thomas Bangalter in Guiney's this morning.... buying a duvet set. Mad yoke.
  4. dAndAn

    Gas Spam

    haha, check out this shit ive been getting. Hi, Not very good erecxction? You are welcome - bound. Now they are erecting a metal post of some kind. There is a struggle going on-apparently they are securing the bound man to the post. Hi, Not very good erecxction...
  5. dAndAn

    I wanna learn Irish

    I did do it for me leaving but the combination of shite student teachers and me being a messer meant i learnt very little. Can anyone recommend a place, in Dublin, to learn beginners/elementary Irish part time and for cheap enough? I was looking at the one located in Filmbase in Temple Bar...
  6. dAndAn

    Reese's Nutrageous - best bar ever

    Ohhhh yeah. Whats your favourite bar a chacaleh?
  7. dAndAn

    Modeselektor at EP????

    Please say it's so....
  8. dAndAn

    Ghana appreciation thread

    Man, they were exhilarating on Saturday against the Czech’s. They play with a freedom & spirit seldom seen in the international game. Here’s hoping they stuff the Americans and progress. I wanna see alot more of Ghana. Had a tenner on them at 20-1 for a 2-1 win on Saturday…….and yer man...
  9. dAndAn

    Holy fuck! Did u see Argentina's goal there

    Cambiasso, from a Crespo backheel, after about 5 one touch passes around the box. fuck sake.
  10. dAndAn

    Spain just bet da bollix oua da Ukraine

    Gerrrrrrrrrrrup! 4-0 Bang a jam off the first 2 goals but they never looked troubled. Torres looks the real deal. Power und pace galore and banged a screamer.
  11. dAndAn

    Kenny Cunningham is a plank

    “Possibly so”
  12. dAndAn

    ATP cooking

    Any point? This is my first ATP and I’m fucking skint. I’d like to cook as much as possible but is the kitchen a joke? Would you get away with a simple stir fry or curry….shit like that?
  13. dAndAn

    Poland's World Cup games

    I was in a Polish bar, drinking some delicious Okochim beer on tap, on Parnell Street over the weekend and, from what I can make out on the posters hung around the bar, all the Polish group games will be shown on a huge screen in the Temple Bar Music Centre. Say that will be great craic...
  14. dAndAn

    Gang Gang Dance, Kool Keith, A Silver Mount Zion......

    .....all in the one weekend! Shit the way some of the acts clash, like to see Wolf Eyes & Battels also. Still, would be a deadly weekend in Vienna.
  15. dAndAn

    Black & Decker Workbench for sale

    80 euro o.n.o
  16. dAndAn

    Euro 2008 Draw

    oooooooh im so excited....... wheres me trousers???
  17. dAndAn

    Shameless back on the box

    YAY! Laughed me stupid head off last night.
  18. dAndAn

    Wash me?

    I need a good wash. Anyone? There’s 10 bob init for ya
  19. dAndAn

    RTE 2's Champions league coverage

    Man give it up for Rte 2 and its football coverage. Last nights analysis of the game and the subsequent debate over Manchester Utds fall from grace was – again - excellent. Some of the best shit on telly. Ya wouldnae get that on BBC or IT fucking V let me tell you…..
  20. dAndAn


    Live album out now but more importantly a new album on the way mutherfuckers..... A little taste