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  1. mc moley

    trading records

    7 inches: boxed in evergreen trio reagan ss XunisonX growing concern thin lizzy - killer on the loose. one of the songs dont play so well funeral diner/saddest landscape- rites of spring tribute planes mistaken for stars joe 90 dagobah LP: vitamin x - down the drain sound of the cities #1...
  2. mc moley

    swap records

    this didnt work too well did it!
  3. mc moley

    trading records

    just posted a similar thread over on the main forum to see if they've got any nice records
  4. mc moley

    swap records

    hello everyone there is a thread over on eircore that people are posting up records that they are willing to swap and are kinda trading via it. I thought it would be a good idea to do that on this forum as its pretty big n all like and youd get a more varied music taste.... so i guess the...
  5. mc moley

    trading records

    hey BOMBIDOL ill take that new against me lp off yours hands....anything you (or anyone) want below.......some of this stuff has only been played once 7 inches: boxed in evergreen trio reagan ss XunisonX growing concern thin lizzy - killer on the loose. one of the songs dont play so well...
  6. mc moley

    Basta! Greystones -Sun 30 Oct GIG w/ My Remorse, Lynched, Puget Sound +more

    i think langdon beck are playing at this as well. i met that strapping young lad dylan on the dart today and he asked be warned!
  7. mc moley

    social centre is GO

    will there be someone there all next week workin on it or have yez kinda got set times for people to work there. i might pop in on thurs to give yez a hand.
  8. mc moley

    BLACK COUGAR SHOCK UNIT need one more gig!!!

    anybody know if langdon beck are still playing the belfast one? phill?? looking forward to it. i like the sound of this band
  9. mc moley


    hey sean and shay and all the lads....sorry i didnt go to any of those friggin gigs....even though i said i would!!! its bleeding wedding season again for the bambricks so i was down in kilkenny for a week.....the american lads were askin for ya by the way. hope everything went well! later dudes!
  10. mc moley

    anyone able to help?

    go to i think they have mp3's but ya gotta register, but its pretty straightforward. im pretty shit for downloading music actually i dont ever do it so maybe someone can point ya in the right direction. good luck mister fagan
  11. mc moley

    wasted 2005

    look at those balls
  12. mc moley

    Basta! Need Help For All Ages Gigs in Ireland next month

    she's going for 6 weeks and will be back on the 16th of aug.... so counting back that means....begingin of july. you're right, sorry!
  13. mc moley

    Basta! Need Help For All Ages Gigs in Ireland next month

    i think erin will be in thailand? noreen will be back though. what date are ya getting back missus?
  14. mc moley

    Funeral Diner Irish Tour 05

    the gig is now 4 in.. we dropped our massive rider and extravagent travel costs. sorry my remorse; looks like we wont be doing lines of coke off each others knobs after all....maybe in cork!
  15. mc moley

    Funeral Diner Irish Tour 05

    so is the dub line up langdon,my remorse, funeral diner then? or will there be another band? i reckon complan should play this way i can get to see them!
  16. mc moley


    yeah stpehenoblunt is a wild man on the road!
  17. mc moley


    speaking of dog bites...i got bit in the ass by a wild dog when i was in india! im sure you'll be alright, if it was someones dog i doubt it had rabies or anythin to gnarly.
  18. mc moley


    hows the tour going for the measa boys n gurl? anyone know?
  19. mc moley

    Funeral Diner Irish Tour 05

    sweet! thats deadly that yous are playing dublin too. do you guys wanna come back to kilcoole and then we can all head off to cork together the next day? not too sure about the updates for the website napalm.....we're a bit lazy on that front. i havnt seen shay in ages....he's totally...